
Either-ts is a light typescript library created to help developers to use main set of functional programming patterns. Borned to be SIMPLE!

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import luizcgrEitherTs from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@luizcgr/either-ts';



Either-ts is a light typescript library created to help developers to use main set of functional programming patterns. Borned to be SIMPLE!

Table of contents

  1. Installation
  2. Documentation


npm install @luizcgr/either-ts


yarn add @luizcgr/either-ts


Either object


True if the object represents the right part of Either object.

const eitherResult = doAnything()
if (eitherResult.isRight()) {
  // do something


True if the object represents the left part of Either object.

const eitherResult = doAnything()
if (eitherResult.isLeft()) {
  // do something


Folds the Either object in two parts: left and right.

const eitherResult = doAnything() // Left - SomeError | Right - string
return eitherResult.fold(
  (err) => console.log(err.message), // err is an instance of SomeError class indicated in left either part
  (doc) => console.log(doc), // doc is an instance of string class indicated in right either part

Is possible indicate the fold return using generics notation.

 * If the query result is right and returns a number greater than 10, the function must return true.
 * If the query result is left, the function must return false.
function exists(): boolean {
  const eitherResult = countAnything() // Left - SomeError | Right - number
    (err) => false,
    (count) => count > 10,


Returns the right part of Either object if the object represets right result.

const eitherResult = doAnything() // Left - SomeError | Right - number
const result = eitherResult.getRight() // Extracts the right value
console.log(result) // number value


Returns the left part of Either object if the object represets left result.

const eitherResult = doAnything() // Left - SomeError | Right - number
const result = eitherResult.getRight() // Extracts the right value
console.log(result) // SomeError object

right and left functions

Creates new instance of Either with a right or left value.

function doAnything(number value): Either<Error, boolean> {
  if (value > 10) {
    return right(value)
  return left(Error('Incorrect value'))

EitherP object

Encapsulates a promise of Either. See the complete example below. The main goal is simplify the function declaration reducing the code verbosity.

SearchUserByLogin class makes a direct call to users repository. Instead of re-throw the error, the function returns the Either (left ou right) object that will be analyzed by the caller.

export class SearchUserByLogin {
  constructor(private _userRepository: UserRepository) {}

  async find(login: string): EitherP<UserError, User> {
    // EitherP<UserError, User> === Promise<Either<UserError, User>>
    try {
      const eitherResult = await this._userRepository.findByLogin(login)
      return eitherResult.fold<EitherP<UserError, User>>(
        async (err) => left(new UserError('User not found')),
        async (user) => right(user),
    } catch (err) {
      return left(new UserError('Connection error'))

The caller function will treat the result.

const searchUserByLogin = ... // inject an SearchIserByLogin instance
const eitherResult = await searchUserByLogin.find('logan')
  err => res.status(400).json({error: err.message}),
  user => res.status(200).json(user)