
A React component wrapper for the omni-slider from PricelineLabs

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import lukeboyleReactOmnislider from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@lukeboyle/react-omnislider';


React OmniSlider

The OmniSlider was created by PricelineLabs and it's a two way slider with a nice API.

See the Github page - https://github.com/pricelinelabs/omni-slider

For the React demo, see - http://3stacks.github.io/react-omnislider/


  • npm install @lukeboyle/react-omnislider --save


In your React app, import the OmniSlider component.

  import OmniSlider from 'react-omnislider'
  <OmniSlider options={{ start: 100, end: 1000, min: 10, max: 1500 }}/>

Or when using Redux

    function appReducer(state, action) {
      switch(action.type) {
    const onSliderChanged = function(positions) {
        type: 'SLIDER_VALUE_CHANGED',
        payload: {

  <OmniSlider onChange={onSliderValueChanged} options={{ start: 100, end: 1000, min: 10, max: 1500 }}/>

There are no required props, however, there are several you can use


  • options (Object | Required)
  • onStart (Function | Optional) - Callback for when the slider starts moving
  • onChange (Function | Optional) - Callback for when the slider is moving
  • onFinish (Function | Optional) - Callback for when the slider stops moving


For a list of all options, see the omni-slider docs - https://github.com/pricelinelabs/omni-slider

onStart, onChange, onFinish

All of these functions return the positions of the left and right in an object.

  Object { left: 0, right: 80.5497 }

Developing the plugin

  • Clone the repo
  • Run npm install
  • Make changes in src/index.jsx
  • Build the changes with npm run build to convert it to commonjs