
Integrates open zwave to yaha home automation

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import mangar2Zwave from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@mangar2/zwave';



Provides an object to connect openzwave to the yaha mqtt-like broker

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This software is licensed under the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3 . It is furnished "as is" , without any support , and with no warranty , express or implied , as to its usefulness for any purpose . File : zwave . js Author : Volker Böhm Copyright : Volker Böhm ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This software is licensed under the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3 . It is furnished "as is" , without any support , and with no warranty , express or implied , as to its usefulness for any purpose . File : zwavecontroller . js Author : Volker Böhm Copyright : Volker Böhm ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This software is licensed under the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3 . It is furnished "as is" , without any support , and with no warranty , express or implied , as to its usefulness for any purpose . File : zwave . js Author : Volker Böhm Copyright : Volker Böhm ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------



File index.js
Abstract Provides an object to connect openzwave to the yaha mqtt-like broker
Author Volker Böhm
Copyright Copyright ( c ) 2020 Volker Böhm
License This software is licensed under the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3 . It is furnished "as is" , without any support , and with no warranty , express or implied , as to its usefulness for any purpose .

Type definitions

ZwaveValue {Object}

Name Type Description
node_id number
class_id number
label string
instance number optional
index number optional

Global functions


_addNode (nodeId)

Adds a new zwave device node

_addNode Parameters

Name Type Description
nodeId string id of the zwave device node


_notification (node_id, notif)

_notification Parameters

Name Type Description
node_id string, number id of the node
notif number notification number


_onValueAdded (nodeId, comClass, value)

Adds a value to the node tree

_onValueAdded Parameters

Name Type Description
nodeId string id of the zwave device
comClass string parameter class
value string new value of the device class


_onValueRemoved (nodeId, comClass, index)

Handles a value removed event by removing the value from the node tree

_onValueRemoved Parameters

Name Type Description
nodeId string id of the zwave device
comClass string parameter class
index string value index


_requestAllConfigParameter (node_id)

Requests all configuration parameter for a dedicated node

_requestAllConfigParameter Parameters

Name Type
node_id value


_setConfigParam (nodeId, paramId, value)

Sets a parameter of a zwave node

_setConfigParam Parameters

Name Type Description
nodeId number id of the node
paramId number id of the parameter to set
value number parameter value


_setValue (zwaveObject, value)

Sets a value of a zwave object

_setValue Parameters

Name Type Description
zwaveObject object zwave object to set the value to
value string, number, boolean value to set


addDevice ()

Enable adding devices


async close ()

Disconnects from usb device


constructor (config)

Constructs a new zwave controller and binds it to an input device

constructor Parameters

Name Type Description
config object zwave controller configuration

config properties

Name Type Description
device string zwave controller device ( COM port )
topic string zwave controller topic to send messages


logNode (nodeId)

Logs the infos of a zwave device node to console

logNode Parameters

Name Type Description
nodeId string id of the zwave device node


on (event, callback)

Sets a callback .

on Parameters

Name Type Description
event string event name ( not case sensitive ) for the callback
callback function ( parameter )

on throws

Type Description
Error if the event is not supported
Error if the callback is not 'function'


prepare (config, zwave) => {Zwave}

Instantiates exactly one zwave object

prepare Parameters

Name Type Attribute Default Description
config Object automation configuration
zwave Zwave optional null existing zwave class

prepare returns

Type Description
Zwave the prepared zwave object


publishValue (nodeId, zwaveValue, reasonString)

Publishes a value

publishValue Parameters

Name Type Description
nodeId string id of the zwave device
zwaveValue object new value information structure of the device class
reasonString string the reason string


publishValueChange (nodeId, comClass, value)

Publishes a value change

publishValueChange Parameters

Name Type Description
nodeId string id of the zwave device
comClass string parameter class
value object new value information structure of the device class


registerZwaveCallbacks ()

Register callbacks for zwave


removeFailedNode ()

Remove/delete a failed node or device


requestConfigParametersForAllNodes ()

Iterates through all configurated nodes and requests their configuration parameters


setDeviceConfiguration (devices)

Sets the zwave device configuration

setDeviceConfiguration Parameters

Name Type Description
devices Devices tree of device configuration information


setNodeInfo (nodeId, nodeInfo)

Sets the node info

setNodeInfo Parameters

Name Type Description
nodeId string id of the zwave device node
nodeInfo object additional information for the node


setValue (topic, value)

Sets a value

setValue Parameters

Name Type Description
topic string name of the topic
value string, number, boolean to set

Class ZwaveDevices

new ZwaveDevices()

ZwaveDevices Methods


_calcMatch (deviceConfig, zwaveValue) => {number}

Calculates the matching of a device and a value

_calcMatch Parameters
Name Type Description
deviceConfig DeviceConfig new value information structure of the device class
zwaveValue ZwaveValue new value information structure of the device class
_calcMatch returns
Type Description
number number of matching sub-items


_completeDeviceConfig (nodes, label, device) => {DeviceConfig}

Gets a full set of zwave identifiers based on the zwave device configuration , default values for instance , index and type - if they are undefined in the configuration and the class_id based on the label - if it is undefined in the configuration

_completeDeviceConfig Parameters
Name Type Description
nodes Array.<object> zwave nodes structure
label string label of the setting
device DeviceConfig device configuration
_completeDeviceConfig returns
Type Description
DeviceConfig device configuration filled with default values and label


_getObjectByLabel (nodes, label, nodeId, instanceId)

Gets a zwave controllable element by label

_getObjectByLabel Parameters
Name Type Attribute Default Description
nodes Array.<object> zwave nodes structure
label string label of the setting
nodeId number id of the node
instanceId number optional 1 id of the instance


_getObjectByLabelRec (object, label, instance)

Recursively searches for an object in the zwave node tree

_getObjectByLabelRec Parameters
Name Type Description
object object object to search for the right zwave object
label string label of the zwave object to search for
instance number instance number of the zwave object to search for


constructor (config)

Constructs a new zwave controller and binds it to an input device

constructor Parameters
Name Type Description
config object zwave controller configuration

config properties

Name Type Description
devices object, array device definition structure


topicToZwaveId (nodes, topic, label) => {DeviceConfig}

Gets a full set of zwave identifiers based on the zwave device configuration , default values for instance , index and type - if they are undefined in the configuration and the class_id based on the label - if it is undefined in the configuration

topicToZwaveId Parameters
Name Type Description
nodes Array.<object> zwave nodes structure
topic topic topic to look for
label string label of the setting
topicToZwaveId returns
Type Description
DeviceConfig zwaveId ( node_id , class_id , instance , index , type )


valueToTopicAndType (zwaveValue) => {Object.<topic:string, type:string>}

Gets the right topic for a value object

valueToTopicAndType Parameters
Name Type Description
zwaveValue ZwaveValue new value information structure of the device class
valueToTopicAndType returns
Type Description
Object.<topic:string, type:string> topic , if found and device type . Both can be undefined

Class ZwaveService

new ZwaveService(options)

Creates a remote service

ZwaveService Parameters

Name Type Description
options Object configuration settings for zwave

options properties

Name Type Description
usb string zwave usb device name
services Array.<Service> list of supported services

ZwaveService Methods


_setValueIdToDevices ()

Iterates through the zwave devices adding value ids


async close ()

Closes the broker , stops listening


getSubscriptions () => {topic:qos}

Gets the list of required subscriptions for this service

getSubscriptions returns
Type Description
topic:qos list of subscription strings


handleMessage (message)

Processes an incoming mqtt message

handleMessage Parameters
Name Type Description
message Message mqtt message


on (event, callback)

Sets a callback .

on Parameters
Name Type Description
event string event name ( not case sensitive ) for the callback
callback function function ( . . . parameter )
on throws
Type Description
Error if the event is not supported
Error if the callback is not 'function'


run ()

Called once after registration to handle additional tasks


setDeviceConfiguration (config)

setDeviceConfiguration Parameters
Name Type Description
config Object configuration settings for zwave