
An cli manager for nginx : define an template, start/stop nginx's process, template provider.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import manginxCli from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@manginx/cli';



An commanline for running nginx and managing nginx's configuration with templates.

Getting Started


This command install the cli manginx :

$ npm install -g @manginx/cli 

After that, you must has the binary nginx in your path.

You can test it with manginx -v which display the version of manginx.

The test's module

For using the cli, you must declare an template of an nginx's configuration to the manginx's libray. For testing your installation, manginx has an test module for it :

$ npm install -g @manginx/test 

This project during the postinstall phase register in manginx the template, You must see the message below :

*** Template '@manginx/test' - added : 🏆 ***

You can verify the good registration in manginx with the command manginx template list. The module name must be appeared in the list.

Use the test module

You added an template. But you have not say to manginx to add this template to the next start of the nginx. For this, tape :

$ manginx use @manginx/test 

Start / Stop the nginx configuration

Finally, just start the nginx :

$ manginx start 

By default, manginx start to the port 80. It must be free to test.

You can open your browser to the adress http://localhost to see the test page.

Command line options

The command line options description


  • nginx
  • commander
  • fkill
  • fs-extra
  • handlebars
  • inquirer
  • lokijs
  • rxjs
  • temp-dir
  • winston
