
A prettier plugin for parsing and printing Marko files

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import markoPrettier from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@marko/prettier';


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A Prettier plugin for parsing and printing Marko files.



npm install prettier @marko/prettier -D


yarn add prettier @marko/prettier -D



npx --no-install prettier --write "**/*.marko"


npm exec -- prettier --write "**/*.marko"


yarn prettier  --write "**/*.marko"


Editors such as Atom and VSCode provide plugins for calling Prettier directly from your editor.

If you'd like to use these plugins without installing @marko/prettier in the project, you can also install @marko/prettier globally with either npm, yarn or your package manager choice.


On top of Prettier's options, there are a few additional options picked up by this plugin.

markoSyntax: "auto" | "html" | "concise"

Marko supports both an html like and concise syntaxes. By default this plugin will try to detect the syntax you are already using and output a formatted document in that syntax.

You can overide the default ("auto") to enforce that all templates are formatted to the syntax of your choosing.

markoAttrParen: boolean

For the most part Marko is very flexible when it comes to the expressions uses within attributes. By default this plugin will not wrap attribute values in parenthesis unless absolutely necessary. By setting this value to true it will instead output parenthesis whenever the attribute value contains any unenclosed whitespace.

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