
A fully functional Photo Editor made with Vuejs

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import matb85Photoeditor from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@matb85/photoeditor';


Photo Editor

A fully functional free online Photo Editor

A working example: https://matb85.github.io/PhotoEditor/

What's that?

Photo Editor can be considered as a showcase of various tech. It is a Vue SPA utilizing Buefy, canvas filters and Cropperjs.

All in all, it's a fun hobby project!

Usage - Spa

Go to https://matb85.github.io/PhotoEditor/ Just upload a photo a start tweaking the sliders! Currently, there are 3 basic editing options:

  • applying canvas filters (same as css filters: brightness,saturation, hue rotate, contrast, opacity, grayscale, sepia, invert)
  • applying instagram filters thanks to Instagram.css
  • cropping and rotating thanks to Cropperjs

Usage - Api

Download and importing photoEditor

Of course you can download the editor via npm as a commonjs or umd module. Please remember that photoEditor requires Vuex!

  • in a no ssr environment (e.g. Vue spa):
    <photoEditor />

  import "@matb85/photoeditor/dist/photoEditor.css";
  import photoEditor from "@matb85/photoeditor";

  export default {
    name: "Home",
    components: {
  • in a ssr environment (e.g. Nuxt universal app):
    <client-only placeholder="Loading...">
      <photoEditor />

  import "@matb85/photoeditor/dist/photoEditor.css"
  export default {
    name: "your component",
      photoEditor: () => {
      return import("@matb85/photoeditor")



  • clearDataOnDestroy - if true, photoEditor's data in vuex and sessionStorage is cleared when the beforeDestroy hook is called
<photoEditor clearDataOnDestroy />


you can emit to your photoEditor using this.$root.$emit("photoEditor/event", arguments)

  • alterphoto - tells the photoEditor to update the photo (apply css filters)
this.$root.$emit("photoEditor/alterphoto"); // no arguments
  • cropperchange - calls a cropperjs method (works only when cropperjs is available)
this.$root.$emit("photoEditor/cropperchange",  cropperjsmethod, [array with arguments])
this.$root.$emit("photoEditor/cropperchange",  "rotateTo", 20) //rotates the image to 20 degrees

Vuex - actions

  • updatesettings - changes value of one css filter, in order to see the result call the alterphoto event
this.$store.dispatch("photoEditor/updatesettings", { func: cssfiltername, val: value });

Vuex - mutations

  • resetStore - reset the vuex module to its initial state and clear sessionStorage


Certainly, contributions are welcome. So if you'd like to addfunctionality or simply make it better, go ahead! These are the early days of this project so bugs are more than probableand some features may lack. I recommend raising a PR before doing anything.

Project setup

npm install

Compiles and hot-reloads for development

npm run serve

Compiles and minifies docs for production

npm run build:docs

Compiles and minifies the library for production

npm run build:lib

Lints and fixes files

npm run lint