
> Read and Write to NFC tags with a MATRIX Creator!

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import matrixIoMatrixLiteNfc from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@matrix-io/matrix-lite-nfc';



MATRIX Lite NFC JS is an npm package that allows users of varying skill levels to easily program NFC with their MATRIX Creator.

Smartphone Apps For Debugging


  • Reading Info (All tags)
  • Reading Pages (MIFARE Ultralight & NTAG)
  • Writing Page (MIFARE Ultralight & NTAG)
  • Reading NDEF (MIFARE Ultralight & NTAG)
  • Writing NDEF (MIFARE Ultralight & NTAG)


  1. Install matrix-hal-nfc to use this library.

  2. Download and install the latest version of Node.js, using nvm (Node Version Manager)

curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/creationix/nvm/v0.33.11/install.sh | bash
. ~/.bashrc
nvm install node

mkdir myApp
cd myApp
npm init -y
  1. Install matrix-lite-nfc-js
npm install @matrix-io/matrix-lite-nfc --save


View the examples folder!


Import Statement

const nfc = require("@matrix-io/matrix-lite-nfc");


When a read or write function completes, it will return a status code to indicate the result. nfc.Status returns a string of what that number means.



There can only be one instance of NFC reading. This is a hardware limitation that will not change.

Starting Read Loop

// Configure what you want to read
let options = {
    rate: 100,   // Read loop speed (Milliseconds)
    // At least 1 read options is required. Less options -> faster reading!
    info: true,  // Generic information for any NFC tag
    pages: true, // All page data
    page: 0,     // A single page(faster than pages)
    ndef: true   // All NDEF data

// Start the loop
nfc.read.start(options, (code, tag) => {
    // code: NFC activation status
    // tag : Object with requested NFC data

Stopping Read Loop



An NFC constructor that represents an NDEF message. There are 2 uses for this class.

1. Creating a new NDEF Message

// Create an empty NDEF message
let msg = new nfc.message();

// Add NDEF Records to message
msg.addTextRecord("Hello World");
msg.addTextRecord("Hola Mundo", "es");
msg.addMimeMediaRecord("text/json", '{"answer": 42}');

// You then pass msg into nfc.write.message(msg);

2. Reading an existing NDEF Message

nfc.read.start({ndef:true}, (code, tag) => {
    // You can create a new NDEF message from a scanned tag.
    msg = new nfc.message(tag.ndef.content);

    // Once created, you can read any known NDEF record.
    // or

    // You see the number of records with
    // msg.getRecordCount();


Writing to an NFC tag should normally be done inside the read loop.

Writing an NDEF message

let msg = new nfc.message();

    // codes.activation : NFC activation status
    // codes.write      : NFC write status

Erasing an NDEF message

    // codes.activation : NFC activation status
    // codes.write      : NFC write status

Writing to a tag's page (WARNING)

Be careful when writing to a page. You can accidentally lock your NFC tag!

let page_index = 25;            // page you want to overwrite
let page_byte = [48,45,59,21];  // Array of numbers that represents a byte

nfc.write.page(page_index, page_byte).then((code)=>{
    // codes.activation : NFC activation status
    // codes.write      : NFC write status

Building Locally For Development

Download the repository.

git clone https://github.com/matrix-io/matrix-lite-nfc-js

Install all dependencies.

npm install

You can now import the module into any .js file.

const nfc = require("./PATH_TO_NFC_JS");

Use the following command when you need to compile any new C++ changes.

npm run build