
Util helpers for support builds.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import mdiUtil from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@mdi/util';


Material Design Icons - Util

Utility methods for Material Design Icons' Build scripts.

Getting Started

The @mdi/util package relies on the @mdi/svg package. Any version of @mdi/svg can be used.

npm install @mdi/svg @mdi/util
  • getVersion()
  • getMeta([bool withPaths])
  • write(file, data)
  • read(file)
  • exists(file)


This returns the version of @mdi/svg referenced in the package.json.

returns semver string major.minor.build

getMeta([bool withPaths])

The main use of this library is to get all the icon data from the meta.json. Since the meta.json does not contain the SVG path data this method optionally allows this to be added to the object.

Please reference meta.json for more information.

returns icon array []

write(file, data)

import { write } from '@mdi/util'

write('file.txt', 'Hello World!')


import { read } from '@mdi/util'

const foo = read('file.txt')

returns string of file contents


import { exists } from '@mdi/util'

if (exits('file.txt')) {
    // file exists!

returns bool true/false if file exists