
A source xPack with µTest++, a minimalistic testing infrastructure

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import microOsPlusMicroTestPlus from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@micro-os-plus/micro-test-plus';


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A source xPack with µTest++, a minimalistic testing framework

The µTest++ project (micro test plus) provides a very simple testing framework, intended for running unit tests on embedded platforms.

The project is hosted on GitHub as micro-os-plus/micro-test-plus-xpack.

Maintainer info

This page is addressed to developers who plan to include this package into their own projects.

For maintainer infos, please see the README-MAINTAINER file.


As a source xPacks, the easiest way to add it to a project is via xpm, but it can also be used as any Git project, for example as a submodule.


A recent xpm, which is a portable Node.js command line application.

For details please follow the instructions in the install page.


This package is available as @micro-os-plus/micro-test-plus from the npmjs.com registry:

cd my-project
xpm init # Unless a package.json is already present

xpm install @micro-os-plus/micro-test-plus@latest

Git submodule

If, for any reason, xpm is not available, the next recommended solution is to link it as a Git submodule below an xpacks folder.

cd my-project
git init # Unless already a Git project
mkdir -p xpacks

git submodule add https://github.com/micro-os-plus/micro-test-plus-xpack.git \


Apart from the unused master branch, there are two active branches:

  • xpack, with the latest stable version (default)
  • xpack-develop, with the current development version

All development is done in the xpack-develop branch, and contributions via Pull Requests should be directed to this branch.

When new releases are published, the xpack-develop branch is merged into xpack.

User info

The µTest++ framework is inspired by Node tap, but is way simpler and has only a limited number of primitives.

  • test suites must be compiled as separate applications, one apllication can return only the result of one test suite
  • a test suite may include any number of test cases
  • each test case may perform any number of tests checks
  • each test check either succeeds or fails
  • the test progress is shown on STDOUT, with each test check on a separate line, prefixed with either a check sign (✓) or a cross sign (✗)
  • the main result of the test is passed back as the process exit code

If there is at least one successful test and there are no failed tests, the entire test suite is successful and the process returns 0 as exit value.

Build & integration info

The project is written in C++, and the tests are expected to be written in C++ too (although there are no major reasons to prevent adding C wrappers).

On embedded platforms, the test applications should be built with Arm semihosting support.

To ease the integration of this package into user projects, there are already made CMake and meson configuration files (see below).

For other build systems, consider the following details:

Source folders

  • src

The source file to be added to user projects is: micro-test-plus.cpp.

Include folders

  • include

The header file to be included in user project is:

#include <micro-os-plus/micro-test-plus.h>

Preprocessor definitions

  • none required

Compiler options

  • -std=c++17 or higher for C++ sources
  • -std=c11 for C sources

C++ Namespaces

  • micro_os_plus::micro_test_plus

micro_os_plus is the top µOS++ namespace, and micro_test_plus is the µTest++ namespace.

C++ Classes

  • micro_os_plus::micro_test_plus::session

The project includes only one class, session. To automate passing the file name and the line number, several macros were added.


To integrate the µTest++ source library into a CMake application, add this folder to the build:


The result is an interface library that can be added as an application dependency with:




To integrate the µTest++ source library into a meson application, add this folder to the build:


The result is a dependency object that can be added as an application dependency with:

exe = executable(

  dependencies: [


A simple example showing how to use the µTest++ framework is presented below and is also available in tests/sample-test.cpp.

#include <micro-os-plus/micro-test-plus.h>

using namespace micro_os_plus;

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

// Forward definitions of the test cases.
test_case_something (micro_test_plus::session& t);

test_case_args (micro_test_plus::session& t);

#if defined(__EXCEPTIONS)

test_case_exception_thrown (micro_test_plus::session& t);

test_case_exception_not_thrown (micro_test_plus::session& t);

#endif // defined(__EXCEPTIONS)

compute_one (void);

const char*
compute_aaa (void);

compute_condition (void);

#if defined(__EXCEPTIONS)

exercise_throw (bool mustThrow);

#endif // defined(__EXCEPTIONS)

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

static int g_argc;
static char** g_argv;

// The test suite.
main (int argc, char* argv[])
  micro_test_plus::session t (argc, argv);

  g_argc = argc;
  g_argv = argv;

  t.start_suite ("Sample test");

  t.run_test_case (test_case_something, "Check various conditions");

  t.run_test_case (test_case_args, "Check args");

#if defined(__EXCEPTIONS)

  t.run_test_case (test_case_exception_thrown,
                   "Check if exceptions are thrown");

  t.run_test_case (test_case_exception_not_thrown,
                   "Check if exceptions are not thrown");

#endif // defined(__EXCEPTIONS)

  return t.result ();

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

// Simple examples of functions to be tested.
compute_one (void)
  return 1;

const char*
compute_aaa (void)
  return "aaa";

compute_condition (void)
  return true;

#if defined(__EXCEPTIONS)

exercise_throw (bool mustThrow)
  if (mustThrow)
      throw "kaboom";

#endif // defined(__EXCEPTIONS)

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

// Test equality or logical conditions.
test_case_something (micro_test_plus::session& t)
  // Currently only int and long values can be compared.
  // For everything else use casts.
  MTP_EXPECT_EQ (t, compute_one (), 1, "compute_one() == 1");

  // Strings can also be compared (via `strcmp()`).
  MTP_EXPECT_EQ (t, compute_aaa (), "aaa", "compute_aaa() == 'aaa'");

  // More complex conditions are passed as booleans.
  MTP_EXPECT_TRUE (t, compute_condition (), "condition() is true");

test_case_args (micro_test_plus::session& t)
  MTP_EXPECT_EQ (t, g_argc, 3, "argc == 3");

  if (g_argc > 1)
      MTP_EXPECT_EQ (t, g_argv[1], "one", "argv[1] == 'one'");

  if (g_argc > 2)
      MTP_EXPECT_EQ (t, g_argv[2], "two", "argv[2] == 'two'");

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

#if defined(__EXCEPTIONS)

// Test is something throws exceptions.
test_case_exception_thrown (micro_test_plus::session& t)
      // Do something that throws.
      exercise_throw (true);

      // If we reached here, the exception was not thrown.
      MTP_FAIL (t, "exception not thrown");
  catch (...)
      // Got it.
      MTP_PASS (t, "exception thrown");

test_case_exception_not_thrown (micro_test_plus::session& t)
      // Do something that may throw, but it doesn't.
      exercise_throw (false);

      // If we reached here, everything is fine.
      MTP_PASS (t, "exception not thrown");
  catch (...)
      MTP_FAIL (t, "exception thrown");

#endif // defined(__EXCEPTIONS)

The output of running such a test looks like:

$ cd micro-test-plus-xpack.git
$ xpm install-all
$ xpm run test-native
> Executing task: xpm run test --config native-cmake-debug <

> cd build/native-cmake-debug && ctest -V
UpdateCTestConfiguration  from :/Users/ilg/My Files/WKS Projects/micro-os-plus.github/xPacks/micro-test-plus-xpack.git/build/native-cmake-debug/DartConfiguration.tcl
UpdateCTestConfiguration  from :/Users/ilg/My Files/WKS Projects/micro-os-plus.github/xPacks/micro-test-plus-xpack.git/build/native-cmake-debug/DartConfiguration.tcl
Test project /Users/ilg/My Files/WKS Projects/micro-os-plus.github/xPacks/micro-test-plus-xpack.git/build/native-cmake-debug
Constructing a list of tests
Done constructing a list of tests
Updating test list for fixtures
Added 0 tests to meet fixture requirements
Checking test dependency graph...
Checking test dependency graph end
test 1
    Start 1: unit-test

1: Test command: /Users/ilg/My\ Files/WKS\ Projects/micro-os-plus.github/xPacks/micro-test-plus-xpack.git/build/native-cmake-debug/platform/unit-test
1/2 Test #1: unit-test ........................   Passed    0.00 sec
test 2
    Start 2: sample-test

2: Test command: /Users/ilg/My\ Files/WKS\ Projects/micro-os-plus.github/xPacks/micro-test-plus-xpack.git/build/native-cmake-debug/platform/sample-test "one" "two"
2: Test timeout computed to be: 10000000
2: Built with clang Apple LLVM 13.0.0 (clang-1300.0.29.30), no FP, with exceptions, with DEBUG.
2: argv[] = '/Users/ilg/My Files/WKS Projects/micro-os-plus.github/xPacks/micro-test-plus-xpack.git/build/native-cmake-debug/platform/sample-test' 'one' 'two'
2: Sample test started
2:   Check various conditions
2:     ✓ compute_one() == 1
2:     ✓ compute_aaa() == 'aaa'
2:     ✓ condition() is true
2:   Check args
2:     ✓ argc == 3
2:     ✓ argv[1] == 'one'
2:     ✓ argv[2] == 'two'
2:   Check if exceptions are thrown
2:     ✓ exception thrown
2:   Check if exceptions are not thrown
2:     ✓ exception not thrown
2: Sample test passed (8 tests in 4 test cases)
2/2 Test #2: sample-test ......................   Passed    0.00 sec

100% tests passed, 0 tests failed out of 2

Total Test time (real) =   0.01 sec

Known problems

  • none


The project is fully tested via GitHub Actions on each push. The tests run on GNU/Linux, macOS and Windows, are compiled with GCC, clang and arm-none-eabi-gcc and run natively or via QEMU.


The original content is released under the MIT License, with all rights reserved to Liviu Ionescu.