
Component transformation functions with a CLI for Form Builder

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import ministryofjusticeFbTransformers from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@ministryofjustice/fb-transformers';



Functions in this module transform Form Builder fileupload components into upload components and create any page.uploadCheck or page.uploadSummary steps, too.

Each of these functions return a Promise. The promise can be resolved as part of a chain or using await. (The examples below use await syntax.)

All of these functions is exposed to the command line with Commander.

Primary functions


Accepts a path to a Form directory as an argument. It walks all the steps and standalone pages looking for fileupload component and returns a boolean:

const directoryPath = '~/Documents/formbuilder/forms/ComponentFileUpload'

await hasFileUploadComponentInForm(directoryPath) // resolves to a boolean


Accepts a path to a Form directory as an argument. It walks all the steps and standalone pages looking for fileupload components and returns an array:

const directoryPath = '~/Documents/formbuilder/forms/ComponentFileUpload'

await transformFileUploadComponentsInForm(directoryPath) // resolves to an array of strings

The resolved array contains a list of all the files that were examined, not all the files that have been changed.

Secondary functions

These functions are exported from the module and are used internally by the module.


Accepts a path to a Form JSON file as an argument. It does not walk -- it is only interested in the properties of that Form step.

const filePath = '~/Documents/formbuilder/forms/ComponentFileUpload/metadata/page/page.fileupload.json'

await hasFileUploadComponent(filePath) // resolves to a boolean


Accepts a path to a Form JSON file as an argument. As above, it does not walk.

const filePath = '~/Documents/formbuilder/forms/ComponentUpload/metadata/page/page.upload.json'

await hasUploadComponent(filePath) // resolves to a boolean


Accepts a path to a Form JSON file as an argument. As above, it does not walk.

const filePath = '~/Documents/formbuilder/forms/ComponentUpload/metadata/page/page.upload.json'

await hasUploadCheckStep(filePath) // resolves to a boolean


Accepts a path to a Form JSON file as an argument. As above, it does not walk.

const filePath = '~/Documents/formbuilder/forms/ComponentUpload/metadata/page/page.upload.json'

await hasUploadCheckStep(filePath) // resolves to a boolean

Commander and the CLI

These functions are exposed to the command line so that a developer can update a Form cloned to their environment, or run them from the shell in any other environment.

All of these flags should be prefaced with npm start --. The double hyphen indicates that subsequent flags should be passed to the command. For example, assuming you have cloned a Form repository named ComponentFileUpload to your environment:

npm start -- --has-file-upload-in-form ~/Documents/formbuilder/forms/ComponentFileUpload

This will set the DEBUG variable to enable logging in the terminal, and then execute the command:

node app --has-file-upload-in-form ~/Documents/formbuilder/forms/ComponentFileUpload

Simply executing this on its own will invoke the functions silently, which is probably not what you want.


Each of these flags should be followed either by the path to a Form, or the path to a step JSON file.

Paths starting with the "~" character will be resolved to the user's home directory. (Paths containing whitespace should be provided in quotes.)

An error will be thrown if a path is not provided.


  • -h, --has-file-upload-in-form String, path to Form

Determines whether Form has fileupload component(s), invokes hasFileUploadComponentInForm:

npm start -- --has-file-upload-in-form ~/Documents/formbuilder/forms/ComponentFileUpload



  • -t, --transform-file-upload-in-form String, path to Form

Transforms fileupload component(s) in Form, invokes transformFileUploadComponentsInForm:

npm start -- --transform-file-upload-in-form ~/Documents/formbuilder/forms/ComponentFileUpload



  • --has-file-upload String, path to step

Determines whether step has fileupload components(s), invokes hasFileUploadComponent:

npm start -- --has-file-upload ~/Documents/formbuilder/forms/ComponentFileUpload/metadata/page/page.fileupload.json



  • --transform-file-upload String, path to step

Transforms fileupload components(s) in step_, invokes transformFileUploadComponents:

npm start -- --transform-file-upload ~/Documents/formbuilder/forms/ComponentFileUpload/metadata/page/page.fileupload.json



  • --has-upload String, path to step

Determines whether step has upload components(s), invokes hasUploadComponent:

npm start -- --has-upload ~/Documents/formbuilder/forms/ComponentUpload/metadata/page/page.upload.json



  • --has-upload-check String, path to step

Determines whether step has page.uploadCheck step, invokes hasUploadCheckStep:

npm start -- --has-upload-check ~/Documents/formbuilder/forms/ComponentUpload/metadata/page/page.upload.json



  • --has-upload-summary String, path to step

Determines whether step has page.uploadSummary step, invokes hasUploadSummaryStep:

npm start -- --has-upload-summary ~/Documents/formbuilder/forms/ComponentUpload/metadata/page/page.upload.json
