
Update NPM package dependencies from the command line

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import modernpoacherDeps from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@modernpoacher/deps';



Deps updates each of your package.json dependencies to their latest version.

Deps updates both dependencies and devDependencies by default. You can choose to update only production or development dependencies. See Using Deps, below.

Where a dependency has an exact version, Deps will not update that dependency by default. Deps can be configured to update to an exact version or to latest as an exact version. See Using .depsrc, below.

Installing Deps


npm i -g @modernpoacher/deps

Locally, to your project:

npm i -D @modernpoacher/deps

Using Deps

When installed globally, change into the root directory of the package you want to update and execute the command:


When installed locally, or not installed, use npx:

npx @modernpoacher/deps

Or when installed locally, use npm with script targets in package.json:

  "scripts": {
    "deps": "deps"


npm run deps

Updating only production dependencies

To update only production dependencies (on the dependencies field):

deps --save-prod # or -P


npx @modernpoacher/deps --save-prod # or -P


npm run deps -- --save-prod # or -P

Updating only development dependencies

To update only development dependencies (dependencies on the devDependencies field):

deps --save-dev # or -D


npx @modernpoacher/deps --save-dev # or -D


npm run deps -- --save-dev # or -D

Using .depsrc

To configure Deps create a file named .depsrc in the root directory of the package you want to update.

It should contain JSON and be structured as package.json:

  "dependencies": {
    "express": "5.0.0-alpha.8"
  "devDependencies": {
    "gulp": "latest"

Without a .depsrc configuration file, whenever Deps encounters an exact version, it will assume that an exact version should not be updated.

The .depsrc configuration file enables this behaviour to be changed.

In the example above, the dependencies field defines express with an exact version while devDependencies defines gulp with latest.

Configuration with an exact version number

With the .depsrc configuration file as the example above:

  • If package.json defines express at version 5.0.0-alpha.7 then Deps will upgrade to 5.0.0-alpha.8
  • If package.json defines 5.0.0-alpha.8 then Deps will not update the version at all (in which case, the entry in .depsrc is meaningless and can be deleted)
  • If package.json defines 5.0.0-alpha.9 then Deps will downgrade to 5.0.0-alpha.8. (If the entry in .depsrc is out of date, change the entry, or delete it)

Deps only refers to the .depsrc configuration file when it encounters an exact version in package.json. If there is no entry for that dependency in the .depsrc configuration file then Deps will not upgrade, downgrade or otherwise modify it.

You need not duplicate an exact version in .depsrc. Let package.json be the source of truth.

Typically, an entry in the .depsrc configuration file will contain latest.

Configuration with latest

Again, with the .depsrc configuration file as the example above:

  • If package.json defines gulp at version 4.0.2 then Deps will update to the latest version

There is no other behaviour! Deps will update to the latest version.


Deps is written in ES and is transpiled to JS with Babel.

ES functions can be found in src.

JS functions can be found in lib.

To build Deps, change into its root directory and at the command line execute npm i && npm run build.