
Compile a simple HTML string via Vue style templates

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import momsfriendlydevcoVueTemplate from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@momsfriendlydevco/vue-template';



Compile a simple HTML string via Vue style templates.

This package exports a single function to compile a Vue-style template and return a render function which can then be provided with data.

var vueTemplate = require('@momsfriendlydevco/vue-template');

var template = vueTemplate('<div>Hello {{name}}</div>');

template({name: 'Joe'}); //= "<div>Hello Joe</div>"
template({name: 'Jane'}); //= "<div>Hello Jane</div>"

All built in Vue directives are supported:

var vueTemplate = require('@momsfriendlydevco/vue-template');

var template = vueTemplate(`
        <p>Hello {{user.name.first}} {{user.name.last}}</p>
            Your favourite color
            <span v-if="user.color.toLowerCase() == 'blue'">is blue</span>
            <span v-else>is<strong>NOT</strong>blue</span>
            Your pets are:
            <ol v-if="user.pets && user.pets.length">
                <li v-for="pet in user.pets">
                    {{pet.name}} ({{pet.type}})
            <span v-else>You have no pets (aw!)</span>

    user: {
        name: {first: 'Joe', middle: 'H', last: 'Random'},
        color: 'Red',
        pets: [
            {name: 'Pepper', type: 'Cat'},
            {name: 'Meg', type: 'Dog'},
}) // Compiled version of the above template

Support table

The below is a non-exhaustive list of templating functions that are supported. If you find a Vue feature that isn't listed below please file an issue or add a test for it.

Feature Supported Notes
v-if :white_check_mark:
v-on :no_entry_sign: events
v-for :white_check_mark:
v-pre ?
v-bind ?
v-else :white_check_mark:
v-else-if :white_check_mark:
v-html ?
v-once :no_entry_sign: events
v-show ?
v-slot :no_entry_sign: components
v-text ?
v-cloak ?
v-model ?
:class :white_check_mark: classes
:style ?


  • classes - All styles of class binding are supported (e.g. static, lookup, array lookup, objects, mixed)
  • components - At this point this module does not support custom components
  • events - Events are entirely unsupported as this is a "one-pass" templator that returns HTML and does not react to async states


vueTemplate(html, options)

Compile raw HTML into a Vue render function and return a template wrapper function. See template(data) for documentation on how to use the templator return.


Option Type Default Description
context Object {} Additional vue-template-compiler context to inject
selfClosingTags Set See code A Set object initialized with all tags which support the HTML self closing spec
async Boolean false Treat all functions as potencially async, the template function is a promise instead of a string return
keySeralize Function JSON.stringify How to handle template seralization


Takes an object of context data to use when rendering, renders the template and returns the HTML output. This can be a Promise if {async: true} in the initial call.

Notes on using Aysnc:

  • Promises are waited on - If a function returns an async / promisable that function is waited for before re-rendering with the result return
  • Functions are wrapped to provide this functionality - All input data functions are wrapped to handle this functionality
  • All functions are assumed to be "pure" - calling the same function with the same arguments will only run once and return the first result only
  • Promises are evaluated to one level only - A promise returning another promise will throw rather than render