
Various useful things

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import naturescapeNslibs from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@naturescape/nslibs';



Project that contains various packages


Class that manages the caches created in the servers, primarily in nsapi.


let cache = new CacheManager({
    prune_interval: 60 // allows cache manager to prune caches at this interval, seconds
    auto_start: true // when CacheManager is instantiated, will default to auto_prune
    defaults // sets default opts of each child cache

cache.create({ ttl = 60 }) // creates a cache
cache.stats() // returns array of objects with {name, ttl, size} for each cache
cache.start() // prunes cache on cache_interval prune interval, default 60 seconds
cache.stop() // stops pruning cache
cache.pruneAll() // prunes all entries older than cache ttl
let myCache = cache.getCache(name)

new Cache ({
    name // random numbers
    ttl: 60 // default
    clone // uses built in clone function, unless you pass in your own

myCache.name() // name of cache
myCache.ttl() // ttl of the cache
myCache.get(arg, fn) // gets a cloned value from the cache, using arg as a key. will perform function on arg if there is no value in cache, returns undefined if no function
myCache.set(arg, value) // sets a value in cache under arg key
myCache.del(arg) // deletes an entry from the cache
myCache.keys() // arrays of entries
myCache.size() // how many entries
myCache.reset() // deletes all entries
myCache.prune() // deletes any entry older than ttl


Class with all the basic logging functionality for most of Naturescape's projects


    let log = new Log({
        base_dir: undefined, // Hides base_dir from deprecated and stack trace outputs
        log_dir: '/', // Directory to put logs in
        console_lvl: 'error', // What log level to send to console
        file_lvl: 'info', // What log level to send to file

    // Name is what is deprecated
    // Replacement is what it should be replaced with
    // Will output code location as well
    log.deprecated(name, replacement);

    // ... etc

    let l = log.getLogger('label') ;
    // ... etc


Class that handles posting things to rocket.chat rooms (mainly used for code errors and standups)


Can send stuff to rocket chat directly or through the logger.

    let log = new Log({ // posting stuff to Rocket Chat is done through the logging interface
        // other various opts, see Log section above
        chat: {
            level: 'error',
            host: 'https://chat.local.naturescapelawncare.com',
            token: "INSERT_TOKEN"
            channel: '#it-itbackground',
            username: 'NSApi',

    log.error('bad stuff happened') // will get sent to the rocket chat channel defined in the logger

    let rocketchat new RocketChatClient({
        host: 'https://chat.naturescapelawncare.com',
        webhook: {
            token: deps.config.rocketchat_webhook_token,
            channel: '#it-itbackground',
            username: 'ITBackground',
        api: { // must be set for rocketchat.request
            user_id: 'Ycczyer8ucwpmaBoM',
            token: "INSERT_TOKEN"

    await deps.rocketchat.send(`some text`, { channel: '#it' })


Class that handles requests and authentication with NSAPI


    let nsapi = new NSApiClient('https://my.example.com/graphql', {api_key, session_id});

    await nsapi.login('username', 'password');

        session_id, // optional
        api_key, // optional


Class that manages adding files into memory to track code dependencies


let loader = new FileLoader({
    cwd: `${this.config.ROOT}/src`,
    args: [this],

// opts: { preload (boolean), pattern {`**/*.${group_name}.js`}}
loader.getFiles() // returns array of objects containing group names, names, loaded (boolean), and filepaths
loader.get(group_name, name) //gets a single file from a group
loader.addValue(group_name, name, value) // adds file to already existing group
loader.addFiles(group_name, opts); // requires and adds all <name>.<group_name> files to be referenced like app.<group_name>('<name>')
loader.loadFiles(group_name, opts) // defaults preload to true


Class that extends the node built in Error Class and adds some formatting


throw new NSError({
    message: 'Something descriptive happened'