
Hapi plugin for the audit trail logging service

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import nearformTrailHapiPlugin from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@nearform/trail-hapi-plugin';




trail-hapi-plugin is a plugin to add the trail REST API to a Hapi server.


To install via npm:

npm install @nearform/trail-hapi-plugin


const main = async function() {
  const server = require('hapi').Server({host: 'localhost', port: 80})

  await server.register([
      plugin: require('@nearform/trail-hapi-plugin'),

  await server.start()
  logMessage(`Server running at: ${server.info.uri}`)


Trails route will be then accessible on the /trails path.

For more information on the REST API, you can check the generated OpenAPI / Swagger JSON file, which will available at the /trails/swagger.json path.


The plugin takes the following configuration options:

  • logger: A logger to be passed to the trails manager.
  • db: Database settings for the trails manager.
  • pool: A pre-configured database pool to be used by the trails manager; used in preference to any specified database settings.
  • trailsManager: A pre-configured trails manager instance; used in preference to any of the previous settings.


Copyright nearForm Ltd 2018. Licensed under MIT.