
@ng-maps/marker-clusterer is a wrapper around MarkerClusterer

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import ngMapsMarkerClusterer from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@ng-maps/marker-clusterer';



@ng-maps/marker-clusterer is a wrapper around MarkerClusterer


  • Npm: npm install @ng-maps/marker-clusterer
  • Yarn: yarn add @ng-maps/marker-clusterer

Add NgMapsMarkerClustererModule.forRoot({imagePath: '/assets/images/m'}) to your AppModule

You need to download images for clusters from https://github.com/googlemaps/v3-utility-library/tree/master/markerclusterer/images or provide your own. The path you placed the images to can be specified globally through configuration like mentioned above or by setting imagePath attribute on the component.



Add marker clusterer component around markers

<map-view [latitude]="48.858222" [longitude]="2.2945" [zoom]="8">
    <map-marker [latitude]="48.858222" [longitude]="2.2945"></map-marker>

Additional features

Other features are provided in submodules. Find out more on the project page at github