
Angular Router-connecting NgRx component stores.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import ngworkerRouterComponentStore from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@ngworker/router-component-store';



Angular Router-connecting NgRx component stores.


Required peer dependencies:

  • Angular >=12.2
  • NgRx Component Store >=12.0
  • RxJS >=7.0

Published with partial Ivy compilation.


Two router stores are available and implement the same public API:

API Description
currentRoute$: Observable Select the current route.
fragment$: Observable<string | null> Select the current route fragment.
queryParams$: Observable Select the current route query parameters.
routeData$: Observable Select the current route data.
routeParams$: Observable Select the current route parameters.
url$: Observable Select the current URL.
selectQueryParam(param: string): Observable Select the specified query parameter.
selectRouteParam(param: string): Observable Select the specified route paramter.

The GlobalRouterStore is never destroyed but can be injected in any class.

The LocalRouterStore requires a component-level provider, follows the lifecycle of that component, and can be injected in declarables as well as other component-level services.


An application-wide router store. Can be injected in any class. Implicitly provided in the root module injector.


// (...)
import { GlobalRouterStore } from '@ngworker/router-component-store';

  providedIn: 'root',
export class HeroService {
  activeHeroId$: Observable<number> = this.routerStore.selectQueryParam('id');

  constructor(private routerStore: GlobalRouterStore) {}


A component-level router store. Can be injected in any directive, component, pipe, or component-level service. Explicitly provided in a component sub-tree using Component.providers or Component.viewProviders.


// (...)
import { LocalRouterStore } from '@ngworker/router-component-store';

  // (...)
  providers: [LocalRouterStore],
export class HeroDetailComponent {
  heroId$: Observable<number> = this.routerStore.selectQueryParam('id');

  constructor(private routerStore: LocalRouterStore) {}