
Spectacular Angular integration testing. Test harnesses for Angular applications and libraries.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import ngworkerSpectacular from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@ngworker/spectacular';




Spectacular Angular integration testing.

Spectacular offers test harnesses for Angular applications and libraries.

Application testing

Spectacular's application testing API configures the Angular testing module and bootstraps a component while ensuring that all application-level hooks are run.

The application test harness is used to test configuration Angular modules, bootstrap listeners, and application initializers.

Public API

Export name Kind Description
createApplicationHarness Factory for SpectacularApplicationHarness Bootstrap a Spectacular application with the specified metadata. Useful to test configuration Angular modules, bootstrap listeners, and application initializers.
CreateApplicationHarnessOptions Options for createApplicationHarness Application harness options.
SpectacularApplicationHarness Interface A harness for testing application-level software artifacts.

Feature testing

Spectacular's feature testing API configures the Angular testing module and sets up a test harness for a routed Angular feature module. It contains a few companion services that wrap Angular's built-in navigation services, but adjusted to the Angular feature module under test.

The feature test harness is used to test routed feature modules and shell modules.

Public API

Export name Kind Description
createFeatureHarness Factory for SpectacularFeatureHarness Configure SpectacularFeatureTestingModule, bootstrap SpectacularAppComponent and navigate to the default feature route.
CreateFeatureHarnessOptions Options for createFeatureHarness Feature harness options.
SpectacularFeatureHarness Interface A harness for testing an Angular feature module.
SpectacularFeatureTestingModuleOptions Options for SpectacularFeatureTestingModule Feature testing options for SpectacularFeatureTestingModule.withFeature.
SpectacularFeatureTestingModule Angular testing configuration module Configure the RouterTestingModule and provide Spectactular services for testing feature modules.
SpectacularFeatureTestingRootModule Internal Angular testing configuration module Internal use only. Used by SpectacularFeatureTestingModule.withFeature.
SpectacularFeatureLocation Service A subset of Angular's Location service adjusted to the Angular feature module under test.
SpectacularFeatureRouter Service A subset of Angular's Router service adjusted to the Angular feature module under test.

Pipe testing

Spectacular's pipe testing API configures the Angular testing module and sets up a host component for the Angular pipe under test.

Public API

Export name Kind Description
createPipeHarness SpectacularPipeHarness factory Set up a host component for the Angular pipe under test.
CreatePipeHarnessOptions Options for createPipeHarness Angular pipe harness options.
SpectacularPipeHarness Interface A harness for testing an Angular pipe.


Test utilities used by Spectacular's other APIs.

Public API

Export name Kind Description
SpectacularAppComponent Bootstrapped component The root component which is bootstrapped for a Spectacular test.
spectacularAppTag String The tag name of SpectacularAppComponents DOM element.