
Reusable Spinner component created with Bootstrap 5.x and Angular 12.x <p > <a href="https://www.npmjs.com/@ngxsmart/spinner"> <img src="https://img.shields.io/npm/v/@ngxsmart/spinner.svg?logo=npm&logoColor=fff&label=NPM+package&color=limegreen" al

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import ngxsmartSpinner from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@ngxsmart/spinner';



Reusable Spinner component created with Bootstrap 5.x and Angular 12.x

Spinner on npm

Publish the library to NPM

  1. Build the library
$ ng build --configuration production --project=@ngxsmart/spinner
  1. Publish the library to NPM
$ npm publish dist/spinner --access public


  1. Angular 12.x
  2. Bootstrap 5.x


List of selectors that can be used to select the component



Property Description Type Default Value
bootstrapSpinner Use Boostrap Spinner. Default true boolean false
diameter Diameter of the Angular Material spinner boolean true
color Color of the Angular Material spinner string or ThemePalette 5000
strokeWidth Stroke Width of the Angular Material spinner boolean false

Test project locally

Run the following steps inside library folder

  1. Install all dependencies
$ npm install
  1. Build the project
$ npm run build
  1. Link the project
$ npm link  dist/spinner

Inside the Test/Actual project, remove the dependency and link local dependency

  1. Install dependencies
$ npm install
  1. Link the library
$ npm link @ngxsmart/spinner
  1. Add property "preserveSymlinks": true to angular.json if not already exists
  2. Start the project
$ npm start