
nib styled typography

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import nibStylesV2Typography from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@nib-styles/v2-typography';



nib styled typography


npm install --save @nib-styles/v2-typography

Note: Requires Opens Sans and Roboto fonts from Google Fonts:

<link rel='stylesheet' href='//fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Open+Sans:400,700|Roboto:300,700' />


Using mixins

@import "@nib-styles/v2-typography";

.product {

  &__title {
    @include title(2, $color: 'grey', $pad: true)

  &__description {
    @include copy($color: 'grey', $pad: true)

  &__link {
    @include link($color: 'green')

<div class="product">
    <h2 class="product__title">Top</h2>
    <p class="product__description">
      The best hospital cover you can get.
      <a class="product__link">Join now!</a>

Using compiled classes

@import "@nib-styles/v2-typography/compiled";
<div class="v2-article">
    <h2 class="v2-title v2-title--2 v2-title--color-doc">Top</h2>
    <p class="v2-copy">
      The best hospital cover you can get.
      <a class="v2-link v2-link--green">Join now!</a>


@include title($size, $color : null, $padding : false)
  • $size Required. An integer from 1-4.

  • $color Optional. May be grey, green or white. If no color is provided the title will inherit the color from its parent element.

  • $padding Optional. If true an amount of top and bottom margin is applied.

@include copy($size : null, $color : null, $padding : false)
  • $size Optional. May be small or large.

  • $color Optional. May be grey, green or white. If no color is provided the title will inherit the color from its parent element.

$padding Optional. If true an amount of top and bottom margin is applied.

@include link($color : null)
  • $color Optional. May be green, grey or white. If no color is provided the title will inherit the color from its parent element.


  • $color Required. The normal text color.



  • break: bump version of v2-icons


  • fix: colour should default to currentColour when no color is specified


  • add: a reusable function for generating the disabled text color


  • fix: both color names and color name strings work for title(), copy() and link() mixins e.g. copy($color: green), copy($color: 'green')


  • fix: bumped the package version to display the latest readme on npmjs.com


  • break: copy() color defaults to inherit
  • break: title(), copy() and link() mixins error if they receive an invalid param
  • add: copy() size configurable via mixin
  • add: $font-copy and $font-title variables
  • fix/break: link()/.v2-link now has font specified so it doesn't have to be inside a v2-copy block
  • fix: title() padding should be dependent on the title size
  • fix: issues with mixins comparing strings and color names
  • fix: documentation


  • Mixins!!


  • Setting color: inherit on .v2-link by default