
Simple pagination component for the NICE Design System

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import niceDigitalNdsSimplePagination from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@nice-digital/nds-simple-pagination';



Simple pagination component for the NICE Design System


Install Node, and then:

npm i @nice-digital/nds-simple-pagination --save



Import the SimplePagination component from the package and use within JSX:

import React from "react";
import { SimplePagination } from "@nice-digital/nds-simple-pagination";

<SimplePagination totalPages={3} currentPage={1} nextPageLink={{destination: "#next", elementType: "a"}} />

Note: The React component automatically imports the SCSS, so there's no need to import the SCSS directly yourself.


  • Type:number (required)

The current (1-based) page number you wish to be displayed.

// First page of the set
<SimplePagination currentPage={1} />
  • Type: number

The total pages you want to display. If this is omitted, only the current page will be displayed.

  • Type: PageLink
  • Default: null

An object to describe the destination, element or action you want to supply to the 'next' pagination link.

  • Type: PageLink
  • Default: null

An object to describe the destination, element or action you want to supply to the 'previous' pagination link.

  • Type: string

A string to represent the destination if you're supplying a traditional "link". If no elementType is provided, it will default to an anchor tag, and the destination will default to an href attribute. If a custom element is provided, the destination will be used as a to property.

  • Type: React.elementType
  • Default: "a"

Here you can pass a custom link type such as Link from react-router or gatsby. If no elementType is provided, it will default to an anchor tag.

  • Type: string
  • Default: href

The method of activating the link. By default a link is an anchor with href attribute for the destination. Other routers may use another prop, such as to. This allows you to stipulate any possible required attribute name. If no method is provided and the elementType is an anchor (or an elementType is not supplied) then the method will default to href. If the elementType is not an anchor and no method is supplied, the method will default to to.


If you're not using React, then import the SCSS directly into your application by:

@import "~@nice-digital/nds-simple-pagination/scss/simple-pagination";


If you're not using React, then include the SCSS as above and use the HTML:

<div class="simple-pagination">
        Page <b>2</b> of <b>4</b>
    <nav aria-label="Pagination">
        <span class="simple-pagination__link-wrapper">
                aria-label="Go to next page" 
                Next page
        <span class="simple-pagination__link-wrapper">
                aria-label="Go to previous page" 
                Previous page