
Utilities for handling Shopify data sourced from the Shopify Storefront API

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import nmspShopifyStorefrontApiUtilities from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@nmsp/shopify-storefront-api-utilities';




@nmsp/shopify-storefront-api-utilities contains functions for working with data from the Shopify Storefront API.


npm install @nmsp/shopify-storefront-api-utilities


Each utility function can be imported as a named import. For example, import { productFromProductId } from '@nmsp/shopify-storefront-api-utilities'.

Available Functions


Return the product that matches the productId from a list of products.


const product = productFromProductId(productId, products)


Parameter Description
productId The identifier for the product to be returned. Note: this is the shopifyId passed from gatsby-source-shopify-storefront, not the regular id.
products A list of products.


Return the product of the variant that matches the variantId from a list of products.


const product = productFromVariantId(variantId, products)


Parameter Description
variantId The identifier for the variant which product will be returned. Note: this is the shopifyId passed from gatsby-source-shopify-storefront, not the regular id.
products A list of products.


The products passed must include the variants and their IDs in order for the product to be found. For example,

const products = [
        title: 'Product 1',
        variants: [
                id: 'variant-1-id',
                title: 'Product 1, variant 1',

const product = productFromVariantId('variant-1-id', products)

product === {
    title: 'Product 1',
    variants: [
            id: 'variant-1-id',
            title: 'Product 1, variant 1',


Returns an object of the product options as taken from the URL search parameters. If the URL search parameters does not contain a valid value, it will return the default options (the first). The options array from the product data point should be be passed as the first argument.


const product = getSelectedOptionsFromUrlParams(options)


This function is intended to be used to set the selectedOptions initial state. For example, const [ selectedOptions, setSelectedOptions ] = useState(() => getSelectedOptionsFromUrlParams(options))


Parameter Description
options The options data from the Shopify Storefront API product.

Url Params

This function will respond to URL search params using the Shopify option key and value. Keep in mind that Shopify options and values will likely be capitalized. For example, www.example.com/shop/product?Color=Black&Size=4.


Filters variants so that the returned variants are unique according to the optionName(s) passed as the first argument. For example, if you have multiple variants with multiple colors and sizes, but only want to show the variants with unique colors, you could pass 'colors' as the first argument and it will filter accordingly.

Minimum GraphQL Data Requirement

In order for this utility to work, any variants must include at minimum the data outlined below in the GraphQL example.

    query {
        allShopifyProductVariant {
            nodes {
                selectedOptions {
                product {


const filteredVariants = filterUniqueVariantsByOption(optionNames, variants)


// with string
const filteredVariants = filterUniqueVariantsByOption('Color', variants)

// with array
const filteredVariants = filterUniqueVariantsByOption([ 'Color', 'Strap Color' ], variants)


Parameter Type Description
optionNames String or Array The option or options the returned list of variants should be unique by.
variants Array An array of product variants from the Shopify Storefront API.


Formats price range from a price range object from Shopify Storefront API. If the prices match, a single price will be passed, if only the currency codes match, the currency code will be shown with the price range, if both the currency code and the price doesn't match, it will show both the minimum and maximum currency code and price.

Minimum GraphQL Data Requirement

In order for this utility to work, the 'priceRange' object must be passed with 'minVariantPrice' and 'maxVariantPrice' objects with their 'amount' and 'currencyCode' data points.

    query {
        allShopifyProduct {
            nodes {
                priceRange {
                    minVariantPrice {
                    maxVariantPrice {


const priceRange = formatPriceRange(priceRange)


// Price range object mock
const priceRange = {
    minVariantPrice: {
        currencyCode: "USD",
        amount: "120.00",
    maxVariantPrice: {
        currencyCode: "USD",
        amount: "140.0",

const price = renderPriceFromPriceRange(priceRange)
// USD $120.00-$140.00


Parameter Type Description
priceRange Object A priceRange object from the Storefront API.
options Object Options object same as formatPrice utility (See 'formatPrice').


Formats a price based on a price object passed from the Shopify Storefront API. The number format can be changed by passing a numeral format in the options object.

Minimum GraphQL Data Requirement

In order for this utility to work, the 'price' object must be passed with 'amount' and 'currencyCode' data points. For example,

    query {
        allShopifyProduct {
            nodes {
                priceV2 {


const price = formatPrice(price, options)


// Price object mock
const price = {
    currencyCode: "USD",
    amount: "1200.00",

const formattedPrice = formatPrice(price)
// USD $1,200.00

// With options
const options = {
    format: '$0,0',

const formattedPriceWithOptions = formatPrice(price, options)
// USD $1,200


Parameter Type Description
price Object A price object from the Storefront API.
options Object Includes format which will format the number accordingly. Includes showCurrency which defaults to true, if set to false, currency will not be rendered.


Splits a product and its variants by a specific option. Each value of an option will be split into different objects. These objects will include a product object, and a variants array which will contain all the variants with the same object value. Because the data is split based on option value, and since there can be multiple object values per product, there will be duplicate products in the cases where there are more than one object value. This can be used for PLPs where separate list items need to be shown for each option value (for example, a product in all the colors offered).

Minimum GraphQL Data Requirement

    query {
        allShopifyProduct {
            nodes {
                options {
                variants {
                    selectedOptions {


const options = splitProductsByOption(optionName, products)


const options = splitProductsByOption('Color', products)
// returns:
// 	[
// 		{
// 			optionValue: 'Black',
// 			to: '/shop/dress?Color=Black
// 			product: {
// 				handle: 'dress',
// 				// other product data passed to fn for 'dress'
// 			},
// 			variants: [
// 				// 'dress' variants where Color === 'Black'
// 			],
// 		},
// 		{
// 			optionValue: 'Red',
// 			to: '/shop/dress?Color=Red
// 			product: {
// 				handle: 'dress',
// 				// other product data passed to fn for 'dress'
// 			},
// 			variants: [
// 				// 'dress' variants where Color === 'Red'
// 			],
// 		},
// 	]


Parameter Type Description
optionName String The option that the products should be split by.
products Object An array of objects from the Storefront API.
options Object An object of options. Includes productPagePathPrefix which will change the prefix to the to data point (defaults to '/shop').