
Functions for persisting state data to local storage.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import nmspStateLocalStorage from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@nmsp/state-local-storage';




@nmsp/state-local-storage enables Redux state to be persisted in the user's local storage.


npm install @nmsp/state-local-storage


The package must be initialized as per below. The select option determines which data should be persisted. This should be an array of strings that match the path of the state you want to persist. Nested data can be determined by a period ('.'). The initialization will return two functions: loadState and saveState. loadState will load the persisted data. A default state can be passed as a first argument to loadState which will deep merge the localstorage state with the default state. loadState should be used to initialize the state (for example, using preloadedState if using Redux). The saveState function should be called everytime the state updates which will save the selected data (determined by the select field in localstorage

import initializeLocalStorage from '@nmsp/state-local-storage'

const { loadState, saveState } = initializeLocalStorage({
    localStorageKey: 'localStorageKey', // Optional, defaults to 'state'.
    select: [
        'cart', // Persist all data in 'cart'
        'cart.lineItems', // Only persist 'lineItems' in 'cart', other 'cart' data won't be persisted

const store = configureStore({
    preloadedState: loadState(defaultState), // pass optional defaultState. This will deep merge localStorage state with defaultState.

store.subscribe(() => saveState(store.getState())) // Save state on store update.


Initializes the local storage package.


import initializeLocalStorage from '@nmsp/state-local-storage'

const { loadState, saveState } = initializeLocalStorage(options)


Parameter Type Description
localStorageKey String The local storage key for storing the state. Defaults to 'state'
select Array A list of strings that match the data to be persisted. Nested data can be denoted by a period ('.').


Loads the saved state from local storage.


const stateLoadedFromLocalstorage = loadState(defaultState)


Parameter Type Description
defaultState Object The default state. The data from localstorage will be deep merged into default state.


Saves the state to local storage. Pass the state as the first parameter.

