
Node Sass importer for importing JSON files as maps

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import nodeSassJsonImporter from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@node-sass/json-importer';


Build Status


Node Sass importer for for importing JSON files as maps


This is ALPHA software.

It's messy. It's probably slow. It's probably buggy.

Give it a shot. File bugs. Be patient.


  • Node >= 6
  • node-sass >= 4.9.0


This package has a peer dependency on Node Sass for ensure import API compatibility.

npm install @node-sass/json-importer node-sass


Create a JSON file you want to import.

// config.json
  "colors": {
    "red": "#f00",
    "blue": "#00f"
  "sizes": ["16px", "20px", "24px"],

When Node Sass parses an @import for a .json URL it will try load the file from disk. If found the JSON object will be imported as a Sass map named after the .json file.

@import "config.json";

$colors: map-get($config, "colors");
$sizes: map-get($config, "sizes");

.button {
  color: map-get($colors, "red");
  size: nth($sizes, 2);

Produces the following CSS output

.button {
  color: "#f00";
  size: "medium";

Node Sass API

var sass = require('node-sass');
var jsonImporter = require('@node-sass/json-importer');

  file: 'index.scss',
  importer: [jsonImporter],
}, function (err, result) {
  if (err) throw err;

Node Sass CLI

$ node-sass index.scss --importer node_modules/@node-sass/json-importer/index.js


Everything is a String

Sass has many types. Number which represent CSS numbers values with optional unit like 16px. Color which represents CSS colour values like red, or #f00. These are structurally different from String like "hello", "16px", "red", or "#f00.

To reduce complexity the values produced by this importer are always String. As a result you may need to unquote() the values to cast them into their intended types if for example you wanted to do math on them.
