
The easy to use, all-in-one command and event handler.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import nortexHandler from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@nortex/handler';



The easy and clean way to effortlessly handle commands and events.

Quick note about naming standards:

"Commands" are classic message-based commands, such as ?ban <@user>. Remember that this requires the message content intent.

"Interactions" are slash commands and context menus, such as /ban user:Username.

"Events" are the normal events of Discord.js such as messageCreate, guildMemberAdd.

Table of Contents:

Changelog v3.0 to v4.0

  • Handling message commands is now up to the user; you should now create a messageCreate event, either on the client directly or using the EventHandler class, and then invoking handler.runCommand(message).
  • Created a new handler.runCommand(message) method that returns a Promise that should be executed on the messageCreate event. The handler will no longer create any events.
  • Added and fixed userRoles and botRoles options.
  • Fixed userPermissions and botPermissions options.
  • Pass additional options as a spread argument to the runCommand method. These will be available at the end of the run() function on the command.

Changelog v4.0.x to 4.1.x

  • Usage is now automatically concatonated with the prefix and command name
  • Empty usage will now be undefined instead of an empty string ("")
  • Any additional configuration keys (any other keys than CommandOptions) provided to command options will now be available in this.opts.x.
  • If description is undefined it will be an empty string ("") instead of "Empty".
  • Interaction handler now requires runInteraction() and won't set any events by itself anymore - same treatment as CommandHandler.
  • Fixed verification of disabled, guildIds and userIds flags in interaction.
  • Running commands and interactions is no longer awaited - promise of runCommand() and runInteraction() will get resolved instantly instead of awaiting the run() function.

Changelog v4.1 to v4.2

  • The prefix property inside CommandHandler constructor can now accept an Array with multiple prefixes.
  • Same treatment as above to the setPrefix method.
  • Small notice: If a message satisfies two or more prefixes, the command is still going to execute once.

  • Removed this.opts added in the previous minor update in favor of assigning properties to the class command itself, like this.x = "Hello World!"


  • Argument handler - automatic prompting if argument was not provided (with option to explicitely disable prompting).

Warning: this guide does not explain the step of creating a basic discord bot throughly. If you don't know to create bots, refer to other sources first.


To install the package, run:

$ npm install @nortex/handler

Include it in your code using

const Handler = require("@nortex/handler");


Run this code to create a command handler on the Discord.js client instance:

const handler = new CommandHandler({
  client: client,
  directory: require("path").join(__dirname, "./Commands") // Change to your directory

// Handle events emitted by the command handler
handler.on("load", command => {
  // Emits when a command is loaded
  console.log("Loaded", command.name);
handler.on("error", e => {
  // Emits when an internal exception occurs in the code
handler.on("debug", e => {
  // Emits additional debug information
  console.log(`[Debug] ${e.message}`); // Logging debug is not required but very useful when creating the bot.

After creating the handler, you should handle the command execution on a messageCreate. You can do so using the EventHandler class or manually:

client.on("messageCreate", message => {
  handler.runCommand(message).then(() => {
    // Command was executed
  }).catch(err => {
    // Command was not executed properly, for example from a lack of permissions.
    message.reply("Error: " + err.message);