
Minimal and performant React component library built on styled-components

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import novasComponents from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@novas/components';



Minimal and performant React component library built on styled-components


yarn add @novas/components styled-components

babel-plugin-styled-components is also required to use the css prop (strongly recommended)

Basic Components


  • Flex - styled.div({ display: 'flex' })
  • Stack - styled.div({ display: 'flex', flexDirection: 'column' })
  • Grid - styled.div({ display: 'grid' })


  • Checkbox - controlled or uncontrolled, native accessibility
  • Radio - controlled or uncontrolled, native accessibility
  • Select - controlled or uncontrolled, native accessibility
  • Toggle - controlled or uncontrolled, native accessibility


  • Global - has two props, reset for applying the CSS reset, and style which wraps createGlobalStyle
  • Apply - use the css prop to apply the generated classname to all children (non-recursive) without a wrapping element


  • Triggers - a SubStateProvider with an api for tracking child Trigger binary state

    • defaultActiveIds - array of child Trigger ids
    • allowMultiActive - allow multiple active ids, default true
    • allowNoneActive - allow zero active ids, default true
    • children - standard React children
  • Trigger

    • id - string, number, or undefined (substate key)
    • children - standard React children or children as a function:
type TriggerChildrenFnProps = {
    id?: string | number
    active: boolean
    setActive: React.Dispatch<React.SetStateAction<boolean>>
    toggleActive: React.DispatchWithoutAction
    activeIds: (string | number)[]
    setActiveIds: (ids: (string | number)[]) => void
    setActiveById: (id: string | number, active: boolean) => void
    toggleById: (id: string | number) => void
    getIds: () => (string | number)[]

const Example = () => (
            <Trigger id="1">
                    id, // the id of this trigger
                    active, // if this id is active
                    setActive, // set this id's active state
                    toggleActive, // toggle this id's active state
                    activeIds, // all active ids
                    setActiveIds, // set all active ids
                    setActiveById, // set some id's active state
                    toggleById, // toggle some id's active state
                    getIds, // get all ids regardless of active state
                }) => (
                        css={{ color: active ? 'green' : 'red' }}
                        Toggle id "1" active


  • media - media query object for responsive styles

  • reset - CSS reset styles (used by <Global reset />)

  • outline - element outline styles for accessibility (used in reset)

  • styled - re-exports styled

  • css - re-exports css


Foregoing a theming library like styled-system saves on both runtime performance and bundle size. Relying on the css prop provided by babel-plugin-styled-components gives us the best of all worlds:

  • Colocate CSS styles inline with components
  • Easily extend and customize existing components
  • Props and theme access
  • Supports all CSS instead of a subset
  • Better runtime performance than style props
  • Smaller bundle size (realistically ~5kb smaller)

CSS custom properties can be used for theming instead of a JavaScript object, which will prevent the need to access the theme via props. Accessing the theme via props is still supported of course.


You should prefer to create new custom elements using the css prop or styled function syntax.

import { Global, Stack, Flex, media, styled } from '@novas/components'

const Heading = styled.h3({
    fontSize: '1.5rem',
    lineHeight: '1.2',
    color: 'var(--color-text)',

const Card = (props) => (
            padding: '16px',
            borderRadius: '4px',
            boxShadow: '0 2px 3px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2)',
            [media.lg]: {
                padding: '24px',
                borderRadius: '8px',

const App = () => (
                :root {
                    --color-blue: #0000ff;
                    --color-text: #111111;
            <Heading as="h1" css={{ color: 'var(--color-blue)' }}>
                Hello world!
            <main css={{ marginTop: '16px' }}>
                <Flex as="section" css={{ padding: '8px' }}>
                        <Heading>Hello world</Heading>
                        <p>Thanks for taking a look!</p>

Form Component Styles

The source code for all four form components (Checkbox, Radio, Select, and Toggle) follows the same markup pattern:

<StyledContainer className={className}>
    <input {...props} ref={ref} /> {/* Hidden form element */}
    <span aria-hidden="true">{icon}</span> {/* Styles and icon */}

These components have minimal default styles which mimic browser defaults, which allows for easily customizing styles. It's recommended to check the source code for these components to see the default styles, or explore them in browser devtools. Examples of customizing the components are shown below.

Checkbox and Radio Example

The Checkbox and Radio components share all of their styles except the border-radius. The Checkbox also uses the Checkmark icon by default while the Radio uses the Dot icon.

import { Checkbox } from '@novas/components'
import styled from 'styled-components'

const CustomCheckbox = styled(Checkbox)`
    width: 1.5rem;
    height: 1.5rem;

    span {
        border: 1px solid #767676;
        border-radius: 35%;

    svg {
        fill: #ffffff;

    input:disabled + span {
        background-color: #f8f8f8;
        border-color: #d1d1d1;

    input:checked:not(:disabled) + span {
        background-color: #0277f6;
        border-color: #0277f6;

    input:checked:disabled + span {
        background-color: #d1d1d1;

    input:hover:not(:disabled) + span {
        border-color: #4f4f4f;

    input:checked:hover:not(:disabled):not(:active) + span {
        background-color: #225ec1;
        border-color: #225ec1;

    input:active + span {
        border-color: #8d8d8d;

    input:checked:active + span {
        background-color: #4e94f7;
        border-color: #4e94f7;

Select Example

The Select component uses the Chevron icon by default.

import { Select } from '@novas/components'
import styled from 'styled-components'

const CustomSelect = styled(Select)`
    max-width: 300px;

    select {
        color: #000000;
        border: 1px solid #000000;
        border-radius: 3px;

    svg {
        fill: #000000;

    select:disabled {
        color: #a6a6a6;
        background-color: #f8f8f8;
        border-color: #d1d1d1;

    select:disabled + span svg {
        fill: #a6a6a6;

Toggle Example

The Toggle is a native checkbox element, and uses the Dot icon by default.

import { Toggle } from '@novas/components'
import styled from 'styled-components'

const CustomToggle = styled(Toggle)`
    width: 3.5rem;
    height: 2rem;

    span {
        border: 1px solid #767676;
        border-radius: 55% / 100%;

    svg {
        width: 50%;
        fill: #0277f6;
        stroke: #0277f6;
        stroke-width: 18%;
        transform: translateX(0%);

    input:checked + span {
        background-color: #0277f6;
        border-color: #0277f6;

    input:checked + span svg {
        fill: #ffffff;
        stroke: #ffffff;
        transform: translateX(100%);