
templated files used in npm CLI team oss projects

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import npmcliTemplateOss from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@npmcli/template-oss';



This module bundles the npm CLI team's basics for package development into a single devDependency.



Configure the use of template-oss in the root package.json.

  name: 'my-package',
  // ...
  templateOSS: {
    // copy repo specific files for the root pkg
    applyRootRepoFiles: true,
    // modify package.json and copy module specific files for the root pkg
    applyRootModuleFiles: true,
    // copy repo files for each whitelisted workspaces
    applyWorkspaceRepoFiles: true,
    // whitelist workspace by package name to modify package.json
    // and copy module files
    workspaces: ['workspace-package-name'],
    version: '2.3.1'

### `package.json` patches

These fields will be set in the project's `package.json`:

  author: 'GitHub Inc.',
  files: ['bin', 'lib'],
  license: 'ISC',
  templateVersion: $TEMPLATE_VERSION,
  scripts: {
    lint: `eslint '**/*.js'`,
    postlint: 'npm-template-check',
    lintfix: 'npm run lint -- --fix',
    'template-copy': 'npm-template-copy --force',
    preversion: 'npm test',
    postversion: 'npm publish',
    prepublishOnly: 'git push origin --follow-tags',
    snap: 'tap',
    test: 'tap',
    posttest: 'npm run lint',
  engines: {
    node: '^12.13.0 || ^14.15.0 || >=16',

The "templateVersion" field will be set to the version of this package being installed. This is used to determine if the postinstall script should take any action.


The changes constant located in lib/postinstall/update-package.js should contain all patches for the package.json file. Be sure to correctly expand any object/array based values with the original package content.

Static files

Any existing .eslintrc.* files will be removed, unless they also match the pattern .eslintrc.local.*

These files will be copied, overwriting any existing files:

  • .eslintrc.js
  • .github/workflows/ci.yml
  • .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/bug.yml
  • .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/config.yml
  • .github/CODEOWNERS
  • .gitignore
  • LICENSE.md

Dynamic Files

Currently, the only dynamic file generated is a github workflow for a given workspace. .github/workflows/ci-$package-name$.yml


Place files in the lib/content/ directory, use only the file name and remove any leading . characters (i.e. .github/workflows/ci.yml becomes ci.yml and .gitignore becomes gitignore).

Modify the repoFiles and moduleFiles objects at the top of lib/postinstall/copy-content.js to include your new file. The object keys are destination paths, and values are source.

package.json checks

npm-template-check is run by postlint and will error if the package.json is not configured properly, with steps to run to correct any problems.

Manual copy

Template files will be copied automatically when template-oss is updated. You can force an update with npm run template-copy.


Add any unwanted packages to unwantedPackages in lib/check.js. Currently the best way to install any packages is to include them as peerDependencies in this repo.