
Creates a @nycopportunity/pttrn CLI starter project

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import nycopportunityCreatePttrnStarter from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@nycopportunity/create-pttrn-starter';


Patterns Starter

Use npm init to scaffold a new @nycopportunity/pttrn CLI project by running either of the commands below.

$ npx @nycopportunity/create-pttrn-starter


$ npm init @nycopportunity/pttrn-starter

You will need to create a package.json file and install the @nycopportunity/pttrn CLI as a dependency of the project.

$ npm init -y

npm init can be run with or without the -y flag. Using it will skip prompt questions about contents of the file when creating it.

$ npm install @nycopportunity/pttrn

Learn more about package.json files and what should go in them in the npm docs.