
Displaying ES facets (aggregations) in Quasar application

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import oarepoQuasarEsFacets from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@oarepo/quasar-es-facets';


Quasar Elasticsearch facets (quasar-es-facets)

Renders elasticsearch aggregations as facets


Create a quasar boot file facets.js with the following content:

import QuasarESFacets from

export default async ({app}) => {

In your application, pass to template:




Boolean property, if passed will render a drawer with selected options.


An event emitted when facet's bucket is selected/deselected. It is passed a facetSelection object - reactive object with a structure:

const facetSelection = {
    <facet_path>: Set(of bucket keys)

The facet selection contains a method .selected() that returns only the selected facets.


The definition of allowed facets. It has the same structure as aggs query in elasticsearch but might contain additional properties.


  title: {
    terms: {
      field: 'title.keyword',
      size: 50
    label: 'Article Title'
  // ...


Optional extra options passed for the facets. Contains definition of elements/attributes, label/value translators and other options.

See config.js in this library for structure of this property and set of possible options.

Option resolution order

For options related to a facet, the resolution order is:

  1. Look for it in the definition
  2. If not found, look for it in options under path facetPath
  3. If not found, look for it in options under path defaults
  4. If not found, look for it in default options under path defaults

For options not bound to a concrete facet, the resolution is:

  1. Look for it in options under path defaults
  2. If not found, look for it in default options under path defaults


A function responsible for calling elasticsearch and returning the contents of response.aggregations field. Parameters:

 * facetSelection - an object of selected facets as described above.
 *                  facetSelection.selected() facets must be included
 *                  in aggs query
 *                  This selection should also be used for ES filtering
 * activeFacets -   dictionary of currently open facets. These must be
 *                  included in aggregations as well
 * excludedFromQuery - array of facet paths that should be excluded from
 *                  filtering
 * extras - {size: 1000} - any extras, currently only 'size' attribute is
 *                  provided to limit number of buckets returned
async facetLoader(facetSelection, activeFacets, excludedFromQuery, extras = {}) {
  // ...

Sample implementation in the es_api.js calls elasticsearch directly. A more sane implementation would serialize the parameters to HTTP query, call backend that would create and call the ES API.