
Middy Lock Redis Lambda

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import omnichatMiddyLockRedis from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@omnichat/middy-lock-redis';


Middy Lock Redis

Custom middleware created to lock redis on input and unlock on output lambda execution

Note - designed for use in HTTP and SQS functions



To install this middleware you can use NPM:

$ npm install --save @omnichat/middy-lock-redis

Usage Example

import middy from '@middy/core';
import { MiddlewareLock } from '@omnichat/middy-lock-redis';
import { Redis } from 'ioredis';

const redis = new Redis({
    host: 'http://localhost/',
    port: 6379,

export const baseHandler = async (event) => {
  return {
    statusCode: 200,
    headers: {},
    body: event.body,

exports.handler = middy(baseHandler).use(
  MiddlewareLock('prefix', 'key', client, ttl, options),


For use in SQS when configured in lambda, ( event > sqs > batchSize ) it is necessary to add another property which is :

functionResponseTypes: ReportBatchItemFailures

This will make it so that when you lock the record, it returns to the queue only the record that was locked.

Below is an example of SQS lambda function configuration:

  handler: src/function.handler
    - sqs:
        batchSize: 6
        functionResponseTypes: ReportBatchItemFailures
            - Queue
            - Arn


  • prefix (required) - Prefix for mounting the key in the registry lock
  • param (required) - Name of the parameter that will be retrieved from the request to be used as a registry lock key
  • connection (required) - Redis client connection that will be used by redlock
  • ttl (optional) - Lock expiration time, if not informed the default is 7500
  • options (optional) - Redlock options configuration for more information on the options see the redlock doc here. Default value if not informed is:
driftFactor: 0.1,
retryCount: 1,

Run test

To run the unit tests, run following command

  npm run test




Obs: if you have an installation problem of not having the redlock library, you will have to install it in your project


Created by @fzanfolim in OmniChat Squad Bot