
Convert data model between different channels (Slack, Microsoft Teams...)

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import onereachContentBuilder from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@onereach/content-builder';


🤖 This Transformer between differend data model channels

✅ Developing:

  • Slack
  • Microsoft Teams
  • Default (schema for content builder)

👉 Future channels: ...

How to use

npm i

Sample of code in ./user-test.js If you use ./user-test.js than just run:

npm run dev

Or, create local file and require from ./index.js next functions

import {
} from './index';

After that import json data. Fot example, slack model

const slackToMsTeamsData = require('./slack->msTeams.json');

And transform Slack model to Microsoft team:

const microsoftTeamsModel = transformSlackToMicrosoftTeams({ data: slackToMsTeamsData });

How to test

We use unit testing based on cases. Create new case, just run script, before run command look up in derictory ./test/cases and enter NUMBER_OF_CASE next after existing (change NUMBER_OF_CASE to Number of case)

sh scripts/createCase.sh NUMBER_OF_CASE

Than open ./test/cases/NUMBER_OF_CASE and add original data model to from.json file open ./test/cases/NUMBER_OF_CASE and add expected data model to to.json file

npm run test

How it works

Sample: Microsoft Teams and Slack

  • Microsoft Teams Adaptive Cards data model 👉 transform to default data model 👉 transform from default data model to Slack Block kit data model
  • Slack Block kit data model 👉 transform to default data model 👉 transform from default data model to Microsoft Teams Adaptive Cards data model



Default schema:

  itmes: [
      itemType: type, // type of block or element
      children: [],  // array of atributes, children, items,
      attributes: {} // additional data (title, styles and so on),
      value: // anu value data

Default types:

  • section
  itemType: 'section',
  attributes: {
    position // could be left of undefined
  • text
  itemType: 'text',
  textType: type, // could be mrkdown, markdown, plain_text
  • image
  itemType: 'image',
  url: image_url,
  alt: alt_text,
  attributes: {
    position // could be left of undefined
  • divider
  itemType: 'divider'
  • actions
  itemType: 'actions',
  • button
  itemType: 'button',
  attributes: {
    style     // color styling default, blue, red, green
  • columnSet
  itemType: 'columnset',
  columnLength:  0, 
  children: [
      numberOfColumn: Number // have to be cleared
  • select
  itemType: 'select',
  placeholder: { type: 'plain_text', text: 'Select a date', emoji: true } || 'Just a string',
  options: [
      label: item.text,
      value: item.value
  isMultiSelect: false,
  attributes: {
  • datepicker
  itemType: 'datepicker',
  placeholder: { type: 'plain_text', text: 'Select a date', emoji: true } || 'Just a string',
  value: '1990-04-28',
  id: '123',
  attributes: { position: 'left' }
  • input
  itemType: 'input',
  input: {
  label: text or text object
  • Error dev extra types:
  itemType: 'error',
  message: `Method for ${type} not found`