
Solidity smart-contracts framework for governance systems.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import organigramContracts from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@organigram/contracts';


Organigr.am Contracts

Organigr.am Contracts is a Solidity framework for building governance systems on Ethereum.

Organigr.am Contracts dictates the governance through the architecture of its organisation.

For example, in order to add a document into a Publications organ, a member of the Redactors organ can call the Publish procedure. Master procedures make it easy to administer the governance by modifying the architecture and replacing procedures.

  • Organs
    Organs store the governance data like users, roles, documents...
  • Procedures
    Procedures set rules for modifying this data and the system itself (eg. publication, nomination, election, or any process writable in a smart contract).


  • Install package from NPM registry with
    npm install --save @organigram/contracts
    # or
    yarn add @organigram/contracts
  • Import contracts in your solidity contracts like so
    import "@organigram/contracts/Organ.sol";
  • Import contracts artifacts in your JS code with
    var contract = require("truffle-contract");
    var data = require("@organigram/contracts/build/contracts/Organ.json");
    var Organ = contract(data);

Third-party services

  • Organigr.am provides Governance-as-a-Service. It uses these contracts to deploy your whole organisation chart and connects it with external services.


We are looking for Solidity developers and testers to keep our contracts secure and up-to-date. Please create issues in our Github page, fork and create Pull-Requests.
