
Directly translate markdown file using Azure Text Translate API

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import ortaMarkdownTranslator from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@orta/markdown-translator';


Markdown Translator


Directly translate markdown file using Azure Text Translate API


Get Text Translate API Key from Azure Cognitive Services

Quick Start

Use as cli

# install cli
npm install markdown-translator -g

# set key and region from Azure Text Translate API
md-translator set --key <your key>
md-translator set --region <your region>

# do translate
md-translator translate --src README.md --dest README.zh.md --to zh

# get more information
md-translator --help

Use as binaries

Run markdown-translator without Node environment

  • Update config.json with your Azure Text Translate API.
  • Run npm run dist:mac to build for macos and npm run dist:win for windows.
  • Run the dist binary files like cli, e.g, ./markdown-translator translate --src README.md --dest README.zh.md --to zh

Modify dist scripts according to your platform. Find more at here

Use as a module

# install module
npm install markdown-translator
const markdownTranslate = require('markdown-translator')
  // Give either a filepath
  src: pathToSrcFile,
  // Or pass in the text directly
  text: markdownContent,
  from: languageToTranslateFrom,
  to: languageToTranslateTo,
  subscriptionKey: yourSubscriptionKey,
  region: theRegionOfYourAzureInstance
}).then(res => {
  // deal with result

Note that there are some opinionated defaults: from is by default 'en', to 'zh'. The region argument is optional.