
Document search using Bloom filters.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import pacoteBloomSearch from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@pacote/bloom-search';



version minified minified + gzip

Document search using Bloom filters.

This module was created to support basic full-text search on static sites where a backend-supported search feature isn't possible, and loading a complete index on the client is too expensive.

Bloom filters are used because they trade result accuracy for space efficiency. With them, false positive matches are possible, but false negatives are not. That is to say, its responses are either a certain miss or a possible match.

They allow building a simple document search index that is smaller than inverted indices at the cost of occasionally returning matches for words that are not present in any document. This error rate can be adjusted to improve search quality.

Due to the limitations inherent in Bloom filters, only full, individual words can be matched against indexed documents while searching. The absence of partial matching can be remedied through the use of a custom stemmer function, but more "advanced" features like phrase or suffix matching cannot be performed at all.


yarn add @pacote/bloom-search


import { BloomSearch } from '@pacote/bloom-search'

const bs = new BloomSearch({
  fields: ['text'],
  summary: ['id'],

bs.add('id1', { id: 1, text: 'foo bar' })
bs.add('id2', { id: 2, text: 'foo baz' })

bs.search('foo +bar') // => [{ id: 1 }])

BloomSearch<Document, SummaryField, IndexField>

BloomSearch builds a search index based on CountingBloomFilter which can be used to test the membership of search terms in a set of documents.

The class constructor takes an Options object with the following properties:

  • fields (IndexField[], required) determines which fields in the document should be indexed.

  • summary (SummaryField[], required) determines which fields in the document can be stored in the index and returned as a search result.

  • errorRate (number) determines the desired error rate. A lower number yields more reliable results but makes the index larger. The value defaults to 0.0001 (or 0.01%).

  • ngrams (number) indexes n-grams beyond the single text tokens. A value of 2 indexes digrams, a value of 3 indexes digrams and trigrams, and so forth. This allows seaching the index for simple phrases (a phrase search is entered "between quotes"). Indexing n-grams will increase the size of the generated indices roughly by a factor of n. Default value is 1 (no n-grams are indexed).

  • preprocess ((text: unknown, field: IndexField) => string) is a function to serialise each field as a string and optionally process it before indexing. For example, you can use this function to strip HTML from a field value. By default, this class simply converts the field value into a string.

  • stopwords ((token: string, language: string) => boolean) filters tokens so that words that are too short or too common may be excluded from the index. By default, no stopwords are excluded.

  • stemmer ((token: string, language: string) => string) allows developers to plug in a custom stemming function. By default, this class does not change text tokens.

BloomSearch.add(reference: string, document: Document, language?: string): void

The add() method indexes a single document with the provided unique reference identifier. Adding another document with the same reference replaces the index.

You may optionally pass it a language identifier which is fed back into the stemmer and stopwords filter to best decide how to handle these steps.

BloomSearch.remove(reference: string): void

The remove() method removes the indexed document associated with the supplied reference.

BloomSearch.search(query: string, language?: string): Partial<Document>[]

The search() method scans the document index and returns a list of documents summaries (with only the properties declared in the summary option) that possibly match one or more terms in the query.

The function matches individual words against the filter of each indexed document. You may prefix each word with the + operator to intersect results that (probably) contain the required word.

If the ngrams option is greater than 1, you are also able to search for exact phrases up to ngrams words typed between quotes (for example, "this phrase"). Only documents containing these words in that sequence are returned in the search results.

Each search term is run through the provided stemmer function to ensure terms are processed in the same way as the tokens previously added to the index's Bloom filters. To help choose the appropriate stemming algorithm, you may pass the search() method an optional language identifier.

BloomSearch.load(index: DocumentIndex<Document, SummaryField>[]): void

The load() method lets you replace the instance's index with an index from another instance. Its primary use case is to rehydrate the index from a static file or payload.

NB: Calling this method will not change any other attributes in the instance. It is up to developers to ensure that the instances were initialised with compatible options, in particular the stemmer function. Incompatible stemmer implementations may cause matches to not be found in the rehydrated index.


MIT © Luís Rodrigues.