
Result type inspired by Rust.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import pacoteResult from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@pacote/result';



version minified minified + gzip

Result type inspired by Rust. It represents either a success (Ok) or an error (Err).


yarn add @pacote/result


import { Ok, Err, map } from '@pacote/result'
import { pipe } from '@pacote/pipe'

function divide(numerator: number, denominator: number): Option<number> {
  return denominator === 0 : Err('division by zero') ? Ok(numerator / denominator)

pipe(divide(4, 2), map(n => n + 1)) // => Ok(3)
pipe(divide(4, 0), map(n => n + 1)) // => Err('division by zero')


Result<T, E> = Ok<T> | Err<E>


Ok<T>(value: T): Result<T, never>

Ok() wraps the success value.

Err<E>(value: E): Result<never, E>

Err() wraps the error value.


tryCatch<T, Error>(fn: () => T): Result<T, Error>

Creates a new instance of Result<T, Error> based on the result of a function fn that might throw an exception.

If an exception is thrown, an Err with the thrown error is returned. Otherwise, an Ok with the result of calling fn.

ofNullable<T, E>(error: E, value: T): Result<T, E>

Creates a new instance of Result based on the value being passed. If null or undefined, it returns Err(error). Otherwise, it returns Ok(value).

ofPromise<T, Error>(promise: Promise<T>): Promise<Result<T, Error>>

Creates a new instance of Promise<Result<T, Error>> based on whether the provided promise resolves or not.

If it resolves, a Promise of Ok with the resolved value is returned. Otherwise, a Promise of Err with the rejection error is returned. In either case, the newly returned promise will always resolve.

isOk<T, E>(value: Result<T, E>): boolean

Returns true if the passed result is Ok. Otherwise, it returns false.

isErr<T, E>(value: Result<T, E>): boolean

Returns true if the passed result is Err. Otherwise, it returns false.

getOrElse<T, E>(fn: (err: E) => T): (result: Result<T, E>) => T

Returns the value contained in the result. If the result is Err, it evaluates the provided function for an alternative.

ok<T, E>(result: Result<T, E>): Option<T>

Evaluates the result and returns an Option that is:

  • None if the result is Err, or
  • Some wrapping the result value if it's Ok.

err<T, E>(result: Result<T, E>): Option<E>

Evaluates the result and returns an Option that is:

  • None if the result is Ok, or
  • Some wrapping the result error if it's Err.

map<T, E, U>(fn: (value: T) => U): (result: Result<T, E>) => Result<U, E>

Maps a Result<T, E> to Result<U, E> by applying a function to the contained value.

mapErr<T, E, F>(fn: (value: E) => F): (result: Result<T, E>) => Result<T, F>

Maps a Result<T, E> to Result<T, F> by applying a function to the contained error.

bimap<T, E, U, F>(onOk: (ok: T) => R, onErr: (err: E) => R): (result: Result<T, E>) => Result<U, F>

Maps a Result<T, E> to Result<U, F> by applying a pair of functions over each of the possible results.

flatMap<T, E, U>(fn: (value: T) => Result<U, E>): (result: Result<T, E>) => Result<U, E>

Calls fn if the result is Ok, otherwise returns the Err value.

flatten<T, E>(result: Result<Result<T, E>, E>): Result<T, E>

Converts Result<Result<T, E>, E> to Result<T, E>.

fold<T, E, R>(onOk: (ok: T) => R, onErr: (err: E) => R): (result: Result<T, E>) => R

Applies the onOk function to the value contained in Ok, otherwise it computes a default using onErr if it is an error.

or<T, E>(alternative: Result<T, E>): (result: Result<T, E>) => Result<T, E>

Returns the result if it is Ok, otherwise returns the alternative.

and<T, E, U>(alternative: Result<U, E>): (result: Result<T, E>) => Result<U, E>

Returns the result if it is Err, otherwise returns the alternative.


MIT © Luís Rodrigues.