
![version](https://badgen.net/npm/v/@pacote/validation) ![minified](https://badgen.net/bundlephobia/min/@pacote/validation) ![minified + gzip](https://badgen.net/bundlephobia/minzip/@pacote/validation)

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import pacoteValidation from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@pacote/validation';



version minified minified + gzip

The Validation<T, E> data type is a Result that accumulates multiple errors.


yarn add @pacote/validation


import { validation, lift } from '@pacote/validation'
import { Ok, Err } from '@pacote/result'

const hasLetter = lift((s: string) =>
  s.match(/[a-z]/i) ? Ok(s) : Err('no letters')
const hasDigit = lift((s: string) =>
  s.match(/[0-9]/) ? Ok(s) : Err('no digits')

const validate = validation(hasLetter, hasDigit)

validate('-') // => Err(['no letters', 'no digits'])

validation<T, E>(...checks: ((value: T) => Validation<T, E>)[]): (value: T) => Validation<T, E>

validation() composes multiple check functions (which take a value of type T and return a Validation<T, NonEmptyArray<E>>) and returns a single function that executes the check functions in sequence, and accumulates all obtained errors into a NonEmptyArray.

If no check functions fail, the composed validation function returns Ok with the originally passed value.

lift<T, E>(check: (value: T) => Result<T, E>): (value: T) => Validation<T, E>

lift() is a combinator which turns a function that returns a Result<T, E> (with a single error) into one that returns a Validation<T, E> (with an array containting one or more errors).


MIT © Luís Rodrigues.