
React Native bindings for the Stripe SDK

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import panz3rReactNativeStripe from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@panz3r/react-native-stripe';


React Native Stripe

React Native bindings for the Stripe SDK


yarn add @panz3r/react-native-stripe


npm install @panz3r/react-native-stripe

iOS Setup

Install required pods using

npx pod-install --quiet


import { ReactNativeStripe } from '@panz3r/react-native-stripe';

// Init ReactNativeStripe as soon as your app is ready
await ReactNativeStripe.init({

// Init a CustomerContext passing an EphemeralKeyProvider function when you are ready to link your user to a Stripe customer
await ReactNativeStripe.initCustomerContext(ephemeralKeyProviderFn);

const ephemeralKeyProviderFn: RNStripeEphemeralKeyProviderFn = async (options) => {
  console.log('ephemeralKeyProviderFn called', options);
  const res = await fetch('<STRIPE_SERVER_URL>/ephemeral_keys', {
    method: 'POST',
    headers: {
      'Content-Type': 'application/json',
    body: JSON.stringify(options),
  return await res.json();

// Init PaymentContext when you need start the checkout flow
await ReactNativeStripe.initPaymentContext({
  // Listener to receive paymentContext updates (optional)
  // Function to validate the shipping address and return the shipping methods (iOS only)
  // PaymentContext options
  paymentContextOptions: {
    requiredBillingAddressFields: 'none',
    requiredShippingAddressFields: [

// Present Stripe PaymentOptions view
// or

// Present the Shipping view
// or

// Start the payment process passing a Stripe clientSecret generated on your backend
const completed = await ReactNativeStripe.requestPayment(clientSecret);
// Check if the payment process has been completed -> 'completed' does not mean that the payment was successfull, you should handle this check on your backend using Stripe webhooks



Initialize ReactNativeStripe using the provided initOptions

async init(initOptions: RNStripeManagerInitOptions): Promise<boolean>


Name Description Type Required
publishableKey Set this to your Stripe publishable API key, obtained from Stripe dashboard string true
appleMerchantId The Apple Merchant Identifier to use during Apple Pay transactions (iOS only). To create one of these, see the guide at Stripe ApplePay docs string false
theme Theme object can be used to visually style Stripe-provided UI (iOS only) RNStripeTheme false


Theme object can be used to visually style Stripe-provided UI (iOS only).

See Stripe iOS docs for more information.

Name Description Type Required
primaryForegroundColor The primary foreground color of this theme string false
secondaryForegroundColor The secondary foreground color of this theme string false
primaryBackgroundColor The primary background color of the theme string false
secondaryBackgroundColor The secondary background color of this theme string false
accentColor The accent color of this theme string false
errorColor The error color of this theme string false


Initializes a new Stripe CustomerContext with the specified key provider.

Upon initialization, a CustomerContext will fetch a new ephemeral key from your backend and use it to prefetch the customer object specified in the key. Subsequent customer and payment method retrievals will return the prefetched customer and attached payment methods immediately if its age does not exceed 60 seconds.

async initCustomerContext(ephemeralKeyProviderFn: RNStripeEphemeralKeyProviderFn): Promise<boolean>


A function to retrieve a Stripe EphemeralKey for the current user from your backend.

See Stripe docs for more details on how to implement it.

type RNStripeEphemeralKeyProviderFn = (options: RNStripeEphemeralKeyProviderFnOptions) => Promise<StripeCustomerKeyObject>


Initializes a new PaymentContext with the active CustomerContext and Theme, using the provided configuration.

async initPaymentContext(paymentContextOptions: RNStripePaymentContextOptions): Promise<boolean>;


Name Description Type Required
paymentContextOptions All the options you can set or change around a payment RNStripePaymentConfiguration false
paymentContextUpdateListener Listener function called each time the PaymentContext changes RNStripePaymentContextListener true
shippingAddressValidator This function is called after the user enters a shipping address. Validate the returned address and determine the shipping methods available for that address. (iOS only) RNStripePaymentContextShippingAddressValidator false
Name Description Type Required Default
paymentAmount The amount of money you’re requesting from the user, in the smallest currency unit for the selected currency. For example, to indicate $10 USD, use 1000 (i.e. 1000 cents) number false undefined
paymentCurrency The three-letter currency code for the currency of the payment (i.e. USD, GBP, JPY, etc) number false 'USD'
paymentCountry The two-letter country code for the country where the payment will be processed number false 'US'
requiredBillingAddressFields The billing address fields the user must fill out when prompted for their payment details. Can be one of 'none', 'postalCode', 'full' or 'name' string false 'postalCode'
requiredShippingAddressFields The shipping address fields the user must fill out when prompted for their shipping info. Leave undefined if shipping address is not required RNStripeContactField[] false undefined

Represent a shipping address field the user must fill out when prompted for their shipping info.

Note: 'name' and 'country' are always required on Android.

Note: 'emailAddress' is not available on Android and won't be returned as part of RNStripePaymentContextSnapshot shippingAddress.

type RNStripeContactField = 'name' | 'emailAddress' | 'phoneNumber' | 'postalAddress';


Listener function called each time the PaymentContext changes.

type RNStripePaymentContextListener = (paymenyContext: RNStripePaymentContextSnapshot) => void;

A snapshot of the current PaymentContext.

Name Description Type
paymentMethod The user’s currently selected payment option. May be undefined RNStripePaymentOption
shippingAddress The user’s shipping address. May be undefined RNStripeAddress
shippingMethod The user’s currently selected shipping method. May be undefined RNStripeShippingMethod
isPaymentReadyToCharge Whether the payment data is ready for making a charge. Always true on iOS boolean

Represent a user payment option

Name Description Type
label A string describing the payment method, such as "Apple Pay" or "Visa 4242" string
image A base64 encoded image with a small (32x20 points) logo representing the payment method string
templateImage A base64 encoded image with a small (32 x 20 points) logo representing the payment method that can be used as template for tinted icons string
isReusable Describes whether this payment option may be used multiple time. If it is not reusable, the payment method must be discarded after use boolean

Represent a user shipping address

Name Description Type
name The user’s full name (e.g. “Jane Doe”) string
phone The phone number of the address (e.g. “8885551212”) string
email The email of the address (e.g. “jane@doe.com”) string
line1 The first line of the user’s street address (e.g. “123 Fake St”) string
line2 The apartment, floor number, etc of the user’s street address (e.g. “Apartment 1A”) string
city The city in which the user resides (e.g. “San Francisco”) string
postalCode The postal code in which the user resides (e.g. “90210”) string
state The state in which the user resides (e.g. “CA”) string
country The ISO country code of the address (e.g. “US”) string

Represent a shipping method

Name Description Type
label A short, localized description of the shipping method. string
amount The shipping method cost as a string (e.g. "5.99"). string
detail A user-readable description of the shipping method. string
identifier A unique identifier for the shipping method, used by the app. string


This function is called after the user enters a shipping address.

Validate the returned address and determine the shipping methods available for that address.

If the address is valid, resolve the promise with an array of RNStripeShippingMethod. If you don't need to collect a shipping method simply return null. If the address is invalid, reject the promise with an error message describing the issue with the address.

Note: Providing an error message is optional—if you omit it, the user will simply see an alert with the message "Invalid Shipping Address".

Note: if left undefined user inserted addresses will always be considered valid.

NOTE: Shipping address validation is currently supported only on iOS due to a limitation of the Stripe Android SDK.

type RNStripePaymentContextShippingAddressValidator = (address: RNStripeAddress) => Promise<RNStripeShippingMethod[] | null>;


This method creates, configures, and appropriately presents a Stripe PaymentOptionsView on top of the payment context.

It’ll be dismissed automatically when the user is done selecting their payment method.

Note: This method will do nothing if it is called while PaymentContext is already showing a view controller or in the middle of requesting a payment.

async presentPaymentOptionsView(): Promise<boolean>;


This creates, configures, and appropriately pushes an PaymentOptionsView onto the navigation stack of the context.

It’ll be popped automatically when the user is done selecting their payment method.

Note: This method will do nothing if it is called while PaymentContext is already showing a view controller or in the middle of requesting a payment.

async pushPaymentOptionsView(): Promise<boolean>;


This method creates, configures, and appropriately presents a view controller for collecting shipping address and shipping method on top of the payment context.

It’ll be dismissed automatically when the user is done entering their shipping info.

Note: This method will do nothing if it is called while PaymentContext is already showing a view controller or in the middle of requesting a payment.

async presentShippingView(): Promise<boolean>;


This method creates, configures, and appropriately pushes a view controller for collecting shipping address and shipping method on top of the payment context.

It’ll be dismissed automatically when the user is done entering their shipping info.

Note: This method will do nothing if it is called while PaymentContext is already showing a view controller or in the middle of requesting a payment.

async pushShippingView(): Promise<boolean>;


Request a payment using the active PaymentContext.

paymentIntentClientSecret represent the client secret of the PaymentIntent to be confirmed.

async requestPayment(paymentIntentClientSecret: RNStripePaymentIntentClientSecret): Promise<boolean>;


The client secret of the PaymentIntent to be confirmed. It should be created on your backend and it's used to complete the payment on your frontend.

See Stripe Payments docs for more about how to accept a payment and learn about how client_secret should be handled.

WARNING: It should not be stored, logged, embedded in URLs, or exposed to anyone other than the customer.

type RNStripePaymentIntentClientSecret = string;


See the contributing guide to learn how to contribute to the repository and the development workflow.



Made with :sparkles: & :heart: by Mattia Panzeri and contributors

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