
Functions for the Error and other types to handle exceptions

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import perfectiveError from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@perfective/error';



The @perfective/error package helps organize exceptions and error handling. It defines an Exception, based on the JS Error class, that supports localizable error messages and error chaining; and provides functions to handle error stack output.

Read the full documentation in the repository.

  • Exception:

    • Exception.toString() — outputs the stack of all error messages.
    • exception(message: string, tokens: ExceptionTokens = {}, context: ExceptionContext = {}): Exception — creates an Exception without a previous error.
    • causedBy(previous: Error, message: string, tokens: ExceptionTokens = {}, context: ExceptionContext = {}): Exception — creates an Exception with a previous error.
    • unknownError(error: unknown): Error | Exception — returns a passed Error or creates a new Literal error Exception.
    • isException<T>(value: Exception | T): value is Exception — returns true when value is an Exception.
    • isNotException<T>(value: Exception | T): value is T — returns true when value is not an Exception.
    • chainStack(error: Error): string — outputs the stack of all errors with their stack trace.
    • fault(error: Error): Error — returns the first error in the chain.
  • ExceptionMessage:

    • exceptionMessage(template: string, tokens?: ExceptionTokens): ExceptionMessage — creates an ExceptionMessage with an empty tokens object if the argument not provided.
    • exceptionMessageOutput(message: ExceptionMessage): string — creates a string to output an ExceptionMessage.
  • Failure — a record type to serialize errors and exceptions:

    • failure<E extends Error>(error: E): Failure — convert and Error or an Exception into a Failure record.
  • Throwing errors:

    • throws<E extends Error>(error: E): never — throws a provided error.
    • throws<E extends Error>(error: () => E): never — throws an error created by the provided function.
    • throws<E extends Error>(message: string, context: ExceptionContext = {}): never — creates and throws an Exception with the given message and context.
    • rethrows(previous: Error, message: string, context: ExceptionContext = {}): never — creates and throws an exception with the given message, context, and previous error.
    • Panic — a type of nullary functions that throw an error when executed:
      • panic<E extends Error>(error: E): Panic — creates a function that throws a provided error.
      • panic<E extends Error>(error: () => E): Panic — creates a function that throws an error created by the provided function.
      • panic<E extends Error>(message: string, context: ExceptionContext = {}): Panic — creates a function that throws an Exception with the given message and context.
    • Rethrow<E extends Error = Error> — a type of unary functions that rethrow a previous error when executed:
      • rethrow(message: string, context: ExceptionContext = {}): Rethrow — creates a function that throws an exception with the given message, context, and previous error.
  • Error:

    • error(message?: string): Error — instantiates a new Error.
    • isError<T>(value: Error | T): value is Error — returns true when the value is an instance of Error.
    • isNotError<T>(value: Error | T): value is T — returns true when the value is not an instance of Error.
  • EvalError:

    • evalError(message?: string): EvalError — instantiates a new EvalError.
    • isEvalError<T>(value: EvalError | T): value is EvalError — returns true when the value is an instance of EvalError.
    • isNotEvalError<T>(value: EvalError | T): value is T — returns true when the value is not an instance of EvalError.
  • RangeError:

    • rangeError(message?: string): RangeError — instantiates a new RangeError.
    • isRangeError<T>(value: RangeError | T): value is RangeError — returns true when the value is an instance of RangeError.
    • isNotRangeError<T>(value: RangeError | T): value is T — returns true when the value is not an instance of RangeError.
  • ReferenceError:

    • referenceError(message?: string): ReferenceError — instantiates a new ReferenceError.
    • isReferenceError<T>(value: ReferenceError | T): value is ReferenceError — returns true when the value is an instance of ReferenceError.
    • isNotReferenceError<T>(value: ReferenceError | T): value is T — returns true when the value is not an instance of ReferenceError.
  • SyntaxError:

    • syntaxError(message?: string): SyntaxError — instantiates a new SyntaxError.
    • isSyntaxError<T>(value: SyntaxError | T): value is SyntaxError — returns true when the value is an instance of SyntaxError.
    • isNotSyntaxError<T>(value: SyntaxError | T): value is T — returns true when the value is not an instance of SyntaxError.
  • TypeError:

    • typeError(message?: string): TypeError — instantiates a new TypeError.
    • isTypeError<T>(value: TypeError | T): value is TypeError — returns true when the value is an instance of TypeError.
    • isNotTypeError<T>(value: TypeError | T): value is T — returns true when the value is not an instance of TypeError.