
ESLint shareable rules configuration

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import perfectiveEslintConfig from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@perfective/eslint-config';


Perfective ESLint Config

@perfective/eslint-config provides a shareable ESLint configuration that is used for the development of the @perfective packages. As the @perfective library itself, these rules are configured for the TypeScript projects only.

In addition to the core ESLint rules and the @typescript-eslint plugin rules, @perfective/eslint-config configures:

To simplify configuring ESLint support in the IDEs and editors, the severity of all fixable rules is warning. That allows to visually distinguish errors that have to be fixed manually from issues that will be fixed automatically.


Require @perfective/eslint-config and its peer dependencies as dev dependencies.

npm install --save-dev \
    @perfective/eslint-config \
    @babel/eslint-parser \
    @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin \
    @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin-tslint \
    @typescript-eslint/parser \
    eslint \
    eslint-import-resolver-typescript \
    eslint-plugin-array-func \
    eslint-plugin-cypress \
    eslint-plugin-deprecation \
    eslint-plugin-eslint-comments \
    eslint-plugin-import \
    eslint-plugin-jest \
    eslint-plugin-jest-dom \
    eslint-plugin-jest-formatting \
    eslint-plugin-jsdoc \
    eslint-plugin-node \
    eslint-plugin-prefer-arrow \
    eslint-plugin-promise \
    eslint-plugin-rxjs \
    eslint-plugin-simple-import-sort \
    eslint-plugin-sonarjs \
    eslint-plugin-testing-library \
    eslint-plugin-unicorn \

Require the configuration in your root .eslintrc.js or .eslintrc.json.

    "extends": ["@perfective"]


ESLint and its plugins replace most of the TSLint rules. Yet, there are few rules that still need to be supported. TSLint rules are executed using the ESLint Plugin TSLint.

Read the full documentation in the repository.