
Setup commits convention fast & simple.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import pierredCommity from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@pierred/commity';



Build status

Commity is a command line tool that will help you with commits conventions. You can configure Commity fast & easily so every collaborators can follow the commit convention you need.

usage screenshot


node >= 14.16.0


You can use it globally for personnal use

npm i -g @pierred/commity

But I would recommand to use it locally in team to make sure everyone use the same version

npm i -D @pierred/commity

Get started

  • npm i -g @pierred/commity
  • commity init
  • commity



| Command | Description | | -- | -- | | commity | Execute commity
:bulb: project need to be commity friendly, see below | | commity init | Make your repo commity friendly creating a commity.json file |


| Option | Alias | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | --addAll | -a | Add all changes to the index (git add --all) before commit | | --push | -p | Push after commit
:bulb: if cannot push e.g. because your branch has no upstream branch, commity will be able to commit anyway |


As You may see in commity.json, there are 2 parts you can configure: fields and render

  "fields": [
      "scope": {
        "label": "Select the type of change that you're committing",
        "type": "select",
        "selectOptions": [
            "value": "feat",
            "description": "A new feature"
            "value": "fix",
            "description": "A bug fix"
            "value": "docs",
            "description": "Documentation only changes"
            "value": "refactor",
            "description": "Changes that neither fixes a bug or adds a feature"
            "value": "spec",
            "description": "Changes that affect unit tests"
            "value": "pkg",
            "description": "Changes that affect package (deps, config, readme...)"
      "message": {
        "label": "Choose the commit message",
        "decorations": {
          "prefix": ": "
      "ticket": {
        "label": "What is the issue id",
        "decorations": {
          "prefix": " #"
        "required": false
  "render": "{{scope}}{{ticket}}{{message}}"

Your fields take a field's key, in the above example there are two field's key : scope, message and ticket.

You can choose 2 types of field:

  • simple input where you just need a label
  • select input where you have to add "type": "select" and provide selectOptions

render take the formatted string, replacing {{<commit field's key>}} with the user input.

More features incoming :tada: