
Graphql query cost analysis utils

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import pipedriveGraphqlQueryCost from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@pipedrive/graphql-query-cost';



Graphql cost analysis utilities.


  • Cost directive for the schema
  • Cost directive extraction from the schema
  • Cost directive value extraction from the schema as cost mappings
  • Query cost calculation based on schema and cost mappings


In the API documentation, @pipedrive/graphql-query-cost is referred to as queryCost, as if it was imported with:

const queryCost = require('@pipedrive/graphql-query-cost');


A custom graphql directive for defining expenses directly in the schema.

const schema = `
  type Greeting {
    id: ID
    name: String
  type Query {
    hello(limit: Int!): Greeting @cost(
      complexity: 10,
      network: 1,
      db: 1,
      useMultiplers: true,
      multipliers: ["limit"]
      provides: ["id"]

Directive arguments

Parameter Type Description Complexity Tokens
complexity Int Abstract value n * 1
network Int Amount of requests required to resolve the field n * 100
db Int Amount of db requests or query complexity n * 100
mutlipliers [String] Field arguments for multipling the complexity
useMultipliers Boolean When defined, field complexity will not be multiplied.
Defaults to true unless the directive is not defined.
provides [String] Specify which fields are available for the child on the parent type.
If only those are requested, cost will be ignored.


Returns cost directive arguments per type definition.

const schema = `
  type Greeting {
    id: ID
    name: String @cost(db: 10)
  type Query {
    hello: Greeting @cost(complexity: 10)
const { costMap } = queryCost.extractCost(schema);
// {
//   Query: {
//     hello: {
//       complexity: 10,
//     },
//   },
//   Greeting: {
//     hello: {
//       tokens: 1000, // n * 100
//     },
//   },
// };


Calculates cost of the current query based on cost mappings and schema.

const schema = `
  type Query {
    hello(limit: Int!): string
    world: string
const query = `
  query makeQuery($limit)  {
    hello(limit: $limit)
const costMap = {
  Query: {
    hello: {
      complexity: 5
      multipliers: ['limit']
const cost = queryCost.calculateCost(
  query, schema, {
    defaultCost: 1,
    variables: {
      $limit: 5
// (5 * 5) + 1 = 11

Cost calculation

  • Definition of cost for entity/resolver/property should be pessimistic (considered for worst case scenario, cold cache)

Complexity vs tokens(db, network)

  • Complexity argument is multiplied by its own multipliers and every parent mutliplier.
    deals(limit: 100) @cost(complexity: 2) = 200
  • Tokens define how many resources are need to resolve a field. When it's recursive it is multiplied.
  • Tokens are only multiplied only by its parents multipliers. Only parent multipliers are used because it takes "parent" times resources to execute the query.
    Example query
    deals(limit: 100)
      @cost(complexity: 2, db: 1, network: 1)
    Example token cost
    complexity(2) * limit(100) + tokens(200) = 400
    If tokens were multiplied by own multipler
    complexity(200) + tokens(200) * limit(100) = 20200

Flat complexity

# Schema
type Query {
  field: String @cost(complexity: 3)
  default: String

# Query
query {

Total cost is 4:

  • field cost is 3
  • default cost is 1


  • Multipliers are recursive
  • Undefined(Parent.name) complexity is not multiplied
# Schema
type Query {
  parents(limit: Int!, names: [String]): [Parent]
  @cost(complexity: 3, multipliers: ["limit", "names"])

type Parent {
  name: String
  children(limit: Int): [Child] @cost(complexity: 5)

type Child {
  name: String

# Query
  parents(limit: 2, names: ["elon", "foo"]) {
    children(limit: 4) {
Field path Description Result
parents limit _ names.length _ complexity 2 _ 2 _ 3 = 12
parents.name default previous + 1 = 13
parents.children (parents.limit _ parents.names.length) _ children.limit * complexity previous + (2 _ 2 _ 4 * 5) = 93
parents.children.name default previous + 1 = 94

Ignoring multipliers


  • Definining useMultipliers: false ignores the multipliers
# Schema
type Query {
  parents(limit: Int): [Parent] @cost(complexity: 2, multipliers: ["limit"])

type Parent {
  name: String @cost(complexity: 8, useMultipliers: false)
# Query
  parents(limit: 5) {
Field path Description Result
parents limit * complexity c(2) * limit(5) = 10
parents.name useMultipliers: false is defined previous + c(8) = 18


  • If all the queried fields are in the list of provides argument, then the complexity of the field is ignored and the default cost is applied
# Schema
type Query {
  parents(limit: Int): [Parent] @cost(complexity: 3, multipliers: ["limit"], provides: ["id"])

type Parent {
  id: ID @cost(complexity: 1)
  name: String

# Query
  parents(limit: 5) {
Field path Description Result
parents limit * complexity c(3) * limit(5) = 15
parents.id no multipliers used, default cost applied - field parents already provides fields ["id"] previous + c(1) = 16

Recursive queries

# Schema
type Query {
  pipelines: [Pipeline]

type Pipeline {
  id: ID
  deals: [Deal]

type Deal {
  id: ID
  pipeline: Pipeline

# Query
  pipelines {
    deals {
      pipeline {
        deals {
          pipeline {
Field path Description Result
pipelines Default cost 1
deals Default cost previous + 1 = 2
pipeline Default cost previous + 1 = 3
deals deals.pipeline reverse of pipeline.deals already appeared
Recursion level 1
previous * 100(recursion x1) + 1 = 301
pipeline Recursion level increased to 2 previous _ (100 _ 100)(recursion x2) + 1 = 301 * 10000 + 1 = 3010001
id Default cost (previous + 1) = 3010002


  • Before making PR, make sure to run npm run version & fill CHANGELOG
  • npm-version-<version> – should be set when creating a pull request. It’s good to set it as soon as possible, so reviewer can validate that the proposed version bump is correct
  • npm-ready-for-publish – add this label after PR has been approved, it will publish the package to NPM and merge changes to master