
Schema class to use with Joi validation - provides use cases for database records with different create/update strategies

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import pipedriveJoiSchema from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@pipedrive/joi-schema';



Schema class to use with Joi validation - provides use cases for database records with different create/update strategies

Example usage

const Schema = require('@pipedrive/joi-schema');
const Joi = require('@hapi/joi');

const validatePostHelloCouchDb = new Schema({
        _id: Joi.string().required(),
        _rev: Joi.string().required(),
        hello: Joi.string().allow('').optional(),
        goodbye: Joi.string().allow('').optional(),
    createIgnoreKeys: ['_id', '_rev'], // keys to be stripped on getCreateData() call
    updateIgnoreKeys: ['_id'], // keys to be stripped on getUpdateData() call
    bulkUpdateIgnoreKeys: [], // keys to be stripped on getBulkUpdateData() call
    xor: ['hello', 'goodbye'] // validation checks that one and only one of the xor keys is present

const validatedData = await validatePostHelloCouchDb.getCreateData({
        _id: '123',
        _rev: '321',
        hello: 'Hello World',
        nonsense: 'Foo',
//{hello:  'Hello World'}