
Layer and Source to support using NumpyTiles in OpenLayers

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import planetOlNumpytiles from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@planet/ol-numpytiles';


OpenLayers NumpyTiles support

OpenLayers support for the NumpyTiles specification.

Developing locally

After cloning the repository, run build, and use npm link. Example below:

$ npm install
$ npm run build
$ cd dist/
$ npm link
$ cd [to your project]
$ npm link @planet/ol-numpytiles

Including in a project

import {NumpyLayer, NumpySource} from "@planet/ol-numpytiles/ol"


Please only publish the dist/ directory.

$ npm publish ./dist/

Worker optimisation

The Layer rendering performance can be improved by using WebWorkers. To use it, the NumpyWorker needs imported the project and passed to the NumpyLayer.

Based on using the webpack worker-loader module.

import NumpyWorker from 'worker-loader!@planet/ol-numpytiles/worker';
const numpySource = new NumpySource();
numpySource.set('bands', ['r', 'g', 'b', 'a']);
numpySource.set('dtype', 'uint8');
numpySource.set('pixelDepth', 256);

const numpyLayer = new NumpyLayer({
  source: numpySource,
  workerClass: NumpyWorker,
  style: {
    name: 'rgb',


Live demo available here!

The demo can be run locally using npm start.