
Wasm Doughnut codec

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import plugnetDoughnutWasm from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@plugnet/doughnut-wasm';




Rust implementation of the doughnut binary codec.
Currently compliant with version 0 spec.

use doughnut_rs::v0::DoughnutV0;

let encoded_doughnut = vec![ <some bytes> ];
let doughnut = DoughnutV0::new(&encoded_doughnut)?;

Query permission domains

let domain: &[u8] = doughnut.get_domain("something")?;

Check a doughnut is valid to be used by a user (who) at a timestamp (when).

use doughnut_rs::traits::DoughnutApi;
// ..
  doughnut.validate(who, when).is_ok()

Verify a doughnut's signature (requires "crypto" feature in "no_std" mode and rust nightly)

use doughnut_rs::traits::DoughnutVerify;
// ..

Sign a doughnut (requires "crypto" feature in "no_std" mode and rust nightly)

use doughnut_rs::traits::Signing;
let mut doughnut = DoughnutV0 { ... };
// Schnorrkel
// Ed25519


The following checks should pass

# Do the usual
cargo +nightly fmt && \
cargo check && \
cargo test

# Check 'no std' mode compiles
cargo check --no-default-features

# Check crypto functionality in 'no std' mode
cargo +nightly check --no-default-features

Generate JS/Wasm bindings

This crate also provides generated JS bindings using wasm-pack. See the js dir for usage.

To generate the package run:

# install wasm pack
curl https://rustwasm.github.io/wasm-pack/installer/init.sh -sSf | sh

# build
cd js/ && yarn build

# Run tests
yarn test