
Read/write pnpm-lock.yaml files

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import pnpmLockfileFile from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@pnpm/lockfile-file';



Read/write pnpm-lock.yaml files

Reads and writes the wanted (pnpm-lock.yaml) and current (node_modules/.pnpm-lock.yaml) lockfile files of pnpm. Lockfile files are the state files of the node_modules installed via pnpm. They are like the package-lock.json of npm or the yarn.lock of Yarn.


pnpm add @pnpm/lockfile-file


readWantedLockfile(pkgPath, opts) => Promise<Lockfile>

Reads the pnpm-lock.yaml file from the root of the package.


  • pkgPath - Path - the path to the project
  • opts.ignoreIncompatible - Boolean - false by default. If true, throws an error if the lockfile file format is not compatible with the current library.

readCurrentLockfile(virtualStoreDir, opts) => Promise<Lockfile>

Reads the lockfile file from <virtualStoreDir>/lock.yaml.

existsWantedLockfile(pkgPath) => Promise<Boolean>

Returns true if a pnpm-lock.yaml exists in the root of the package.

writeLockfiles(opts) => Promise<void>

Writes the wanted/current lockfile files. When they are empty, removes them.


  • opts.wantedLockfile
  • opts.wantedLockfileDir
  • opts.currentLockfile
  • opts.currentLockfileDir
  • [opts.forceSharedFormat]

writeWantedLockfile(pkgPath, wantedLockfile) => Promise<void>

Writes the wanted lockfile file only. Sometimes it is needed just to update the wanted lockfile without touching node_modules.

writeCurrentLockfile(virtualStoreDir, currentLockfile) => Promise<void>

Writes the current lockfile file only.
