
Primer.js for the web

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import primerIoCheckoutWeb from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@primer-io/checkout-web';



Using the Primer SDK for the web, you can quickly and easily create a checkout page for your site to securely collect card information and offer a multitude of alternative payment methods to your customers through one simple integration.

Get Started!

Check out our guides on how to get started here.

Since the SDK must be loaded through our CDN. This npm package exposes a function loadPrimer that loads the Primer SDK from our CDN. This function returns a promise that resolves to a class Primer.

import {loadPrimer} from '@primer-io/checkout-web'

const Primer = await loadPrimer();
const client = new Primer({
  credentials: { clientToken: "...", },



class Primer(options: PrimerClientOptions)

Creates a primer client

type PrimerClientOptions

Options to configure the primer client

type PrimerClientOptions {
  credentials: {
    // Your server-generated client token
    clientToken: string;

  // maximum time in milliseconds to wait for third party scripts to load [default=10000]
  thirdPartyScriptTimeout?: number;

Primer (checkout)

Primer#checkout(options: Options): Promise<PrimerCheckout>

Create a Primer checkout component. The structure of options depends on options.uxFlow, which can have three values:

  • CHECKOUT: to render a checkout that displays multiple payment methods and the vaulted payment methods
  • SINGLE_PAYMENT_METHOD_CHECKOUT: to render a checkout that displays a single payment method
  • MANAGE_PAYMENT_METHODS: to render a UI for managing saved payment methods

By default, uxFlow is CHECKOUT.

Common options

Some options are common to all uxFlow.

 type Options = {
  // Optimise the UX for managing saved payment methods by specifying 'MANAGE_PAYMENT_METHODS' for uxFlow

  // An HTML element (or a selector to the HTML element) in which to place the checkout component
  container: string | Element;

  // Override the locale
  // By default translations will be provided for the browser's locale
  locale?: string;

  // 3DS options. These must be provided if you want to perform SCA
  // See the section on 3DS below for more info.
  threeDSecure?: ThreeDSecureVerifyOptions;

  // A callback for when tokenization begins
  onTokenizeStart?: () => void;

  // A callback for tokenization success. This will receive the payment method token.
  onTokenizeSuccess: (data: PaymentMethodToken) => Promise<SuccessCallbackReturnType>;

  // A callback for when tokenization fails. See the error message here for more information
  onTokenizeError: (message: string) => void;

  // A callback for when changes have been made to the totalAmount provided to the checkout
  onAmountChange?: (data: AmountChange) => void;

  // A callback for when changes totalAmount is being updated
  onAmountChanging?: (isChanging: boolean) => void;

  // A callback for when an error occured while updating the totalAmount
  onAmountChangeError?: (message: PrimerError) => void;

  // A callback for receiving actions which can be used to update the client session
  onClientSessionActions?: (data: onClientSessionActionData) => Promise<{ clientToken: string } | false>;

  // Options and callbacks relating to scenes
  scene?: SceneOptions;

  // Style of the Checkout
  style?: CheckoutStyle;

  // Set options relating to the card form
  form?: FormOptions;

  submitButton?: {
    // Deprecated in favor of using `useBuiltInButton`
    visible?: boolean;

    // Set whether to use built-in submit button
    // Or use your own submit button
    // Defaults to true
    useBuiltInButton?: boolean;

    // The following callbacks can be used to update your custom submit button
    // Ensuring that your button has the correct state and content for a specific scene

    // Callback for receiving the submit button's visible state in the current scene
    onVisible: (isVisible: boolean, context: { currentSceneId: string; } ) => void;

    // Callback for receiving the submit button's disabled state in the current scene
    onDisable: (isDisabled: boolean, context: { currentSceneId: string }) => void;

    // Callback for receiving the submit button's loading state in the current scene
    onLoading: (isLoading: boolean, context: { currentSceneId: string }) => void;

    // Callback for receiving the submit button's content in the current scene
    onContentChange: (content: string, context: { currentSceneId: string }) => void;

  processingIndicator?: {
    // Show a processing indicator overlay on top of the checkout when submitting a form
    // Default to false if the submit button is visible
    // Default to true if the submit button is hidden
    visible?: boolean;

  // Handles the error message displayed below the submit button when an error occurs
  errorMessage?: {
    // Disable the appearance of the default error message
    // Default to false
    disabled?: boolean;

    // A callback for when the error message is displayed
    onErrorMessageShow?: (message: string) => void;

    // A callback for when the error message is hidden
    onErrorMessageHide?: () => void;


  // Card networks allowed for checkout
  // An error will be showed to the customer if they attempt to pay with a card network that is not allowed, whether it is using a card form, or via Google Pay/Apple Pay/...
  // By default, all card networks are allowed
  allowedCardNetworks: CardNetwork[];

  card?: CheckoutCardOptions;
  paypal?: PayPalOptions;
  googlePay?: GooglePayOptions;
  applePay?: ApplePayOptions;
  directDebit?: DirectDebitOptions;

  redirect?: {
    // URL to return to in case of a redirect
    returnUrl?: string;

    // Default to false. Set to true to force a redirect for testing purposes.
    forceRedirect?: boolean;
type CardNetwork =
  | 'american-express'
  | 'diners-club'
  | 'discover'
  | 'elo'
  | 'hiper'
  | 'hipercard'
  | 'interac'
  | 'jcb'
  | 'maestro'
  | 'mastercard'
  | 'mir'
  | 'unionpay'
  | 'visa';
type SuccessCallbackReturnType =
  | /* Show success screen (for backward compability) */ undefined
  | /* Show success screen */ true
  | /* Refresh client token and perform new step */ { clientToken: string };

Client session actions

The checkout has the ability to return actions in the onClientSessionActions callback. These actions should be sent to your backend and forwarded to Primer's /client-session/actions endpoint. Actions have the ability to mutate the client session when certain events occur, based on pre-defined conditions. The following types describe what could be returned in onClientSessionActions:

// The data returned in onClientSessionActions
type ClientSessionActionData = {
  actions: ClientSessionAction[];
  clientToken: string;
type ClientSessionAction = {
  type: ActionType;
  params: ActionsParameters;
// The currently supported action types forwarded to onClientSessionActions
type ActionParameters = SelectPaymentMethodParamters | DefaulActionParameters;
type SelectPaymentMethodParamters = {
  paymentMethodType: string;
  binData?: BinData;
type DefaulActionParameters = {
  type: string;

Specific options to CHECKOUT

type CheckoutOptions = {
  // By default, all payment methods configured in the dashboard are proposed in the Checkout
  // This filters the payment methods available
  allowedPaymentMethods?: PaymentMethodType[];

  // Additional information relating to merchant operating address. Used for tax calculation
  businessDetails?: {
    address: {
      countryCode: string;
      state: string;
      postalCode: string;
      city: string;
      addressLine1: string;
    nexusAddresses: [
        countryCode: string;
        state: string;
        postalCode: string;
        city: string;
        addressLine1: string;

  // Additional information relating to customer. Details can be used for tax calculation
  customerDetails?: {
    customerTaxId: string;
    shippingAddress: {
      countryCode: string;
      state: string;
      postalCode: string;
      city: string;
      addressLine1: string;

  // Options regarding the vault and one-click checkout feature
  vault?: {
    // Fetch the vaulted payment methods of the customerId of the current session and display them
    // Default to true
    visible?: boolean;

    // Disable the option to delete a saved payment method.
    // Default to false
    deletionDisabled?: boolean;

  // A callback for when a resume action succeeds. This will receive the resume token used to resume a payment
  onResumeSuccess: (data: ResumeToken) => Promise<SuccessCallbackReturnType>;

  // A callback for when an error happened when resuming
  onResumeError: (error: PrimerClientError) => void;
enum PaymentMethodType {
interface FormOptions {
  inputLabelsVisible?: boolean; // Show or hide form input labels
type SceneOptions = {
  // A callback for receiving the current scene that is entering
  onEntering?: (sceneId: string) => void;

  // Specify options relating to scene transitions
  // Setting to false disables all scene transitions
  // Defaults to a 'SLIDE_UP' type transition with a duration of 700ms
  transition?: SceneTransitionOptions | false

type SceneTransitionOptions = {
  // The type of transition animation which will be used
  type: TransitionType;
  // The duration of the transition animation
  duration: number;

type TransitionType =
  | 'SLIDE_UP'

Dynamic Checkout Flow: onTokenizeSuccess and onResumeSuccess

When a payment method is chosen and the customer clicks 'Pay', the payment method is tokenized and you'll receive a payment method token in the onTokenizeSuccess callback. Send it to your server to create a payment using Primer's Payments API.

The checkout stays in a loading state while you perform this request. The Payments API may return a new client token: pass it as a return value of onTokenizeSuccess to perform the action tied to the new token, such as performing 3DS.

// Called after a payment method is tokenized
// The checkout stays is a loading state until this Promise is resolved or rejected
async onTokenizeSuccess(paymentMethod) {
  // Send the payment method token to your server to then create a payment
  const response = await sendPaymentMethodToken(paymentMethod);

  // If a new client token is available, resolve the Promise with it to refresh the checkout session
  // The checkout will automatically perform the action required by the Workflow
  // e.g. Perform a 3D Secure challenge
  if (response.clientToken) {
    return { clientToken: response.clientToken };

  // Display the success screen
  return true;

When the new action commanded by the Payments API is completed, you'll receive a resume token via the onResumeSuccess callback. Send it to your server to resume a payment using Primer's Payments API.

The checkout stays in a loading state while you perform this request. The Payments API may return a new client token: pass it as a return value of onResumeSuccess to perform the action tied to the new token.

// Called after an extra-step - such as performing 3D Secure - is completed
// The checkout stays is a loading state until this Promise is resolved or rejected
async onResumeSuccess({resumeToken}) {

  // Send the payment method token to your server to then create a payment
  const response = await sendResumeToken(resumeToken);

  // If a new client token is available, resolve the Promise with it to refresh the checkout session
  // The checkout will automatically perform the action required by the Workflow
  if (response.clientToken) {
    // e.g. Trigger a 3D Secure challenge
    return { clientToken: response.clientToken };

  // Display the success screen
  return true;

Specific options to MANAGE_PAYMENT_METHODS

orderDetails?: {
  currencyCode: string;

  // Disable the option to delete a saved payment method.
  // Default to false
  deletionDisabled?: boolean;


type SinglePaymentMethodCheckoutOptions = {
  // The single payment method to render
  // Only "GOCARDLESS" at the moment
  paymentMethod: PaymentMethodType;

Specific to payment methods


type CheckoutCardOptions = {
    // A stylesheet to inject into each input element
    // For more information see the guide on styling
    css?: string;

    // deprecated after v1.2.0
    // Choose if the cardholder name should be required or not
    // default value is true
    cardholderNameRequired?: boolean;

    cardholderName?: {
      // Choose if the cardholder name should be visible
      // default value is true
      visible?: boolean;

      // Choose if the cardholder name should be required
      // If visible, the default value is true
      required?: boolean;

      // Placeholder text which will be displayed within input
      // defaults to localized placeholder if not provided
      placeholder?: string;

    cardNumber?: {
      // Placeholder card number which will be displayed within input
      // default card number placeholder displayed if not provided
      placeholder?: string;

    expiryDate?: {
      // Placeholder expiry date which will be displayed within input
      // default expiry date placeholder displayed if not provided
      placeholder?: Label;

    cvv?: {
      // Placeholder cvv which will be displayed within input
      // default cvv placeholder displayed if not provided
      placeholder?: Label;

    // Choose if the card form should be embedded in the home scene
    // Or have a dedicated card scene accessible by a card button
    // Note that the preferredFlow will not necessarily be the chosen flow
    preferredFlow?: CardPreferredFlow;

    // Checkout will ask the customer id they want to save their card.
    // To disable this feature provide a value for the vault option.
    // When true: the card will be vaulted
    // When false: the card will not be vaulted
    vault?: boolean | () => boolean;

  // DEDICATED_SCENE: can be used if more than one payment method is available
  // EMBEDDED_IN_HOME: is provided by default. It will override the dedicated scene option
  // When card is the only available payment method
  type CardPreferredFlow = 'DEDICATED_SCENE' | 'EMBEDDED_IN_HOME';


type PayPalOptions = {
  buttonColor?: 'gold' | 'blue' | 'silver' | 'white' | 'black';
  buttonShape?: 'pill' | 'rect';
  buttonSize?: 'small' | 'medium' | 'large' | 'responsive';
  buttonHeight?: number;
    | 'checkout'
    | 'credit'
    | 'pay'
    | 'buynow'
    | 'paypal'
    | 'installment';
  buttonTagline?: boolean;
  paymentFlow?: PaymentFlow;


type DirectDebitOptions = {
  customerCountryCode: Alpha2CountryCode;

  // The following options are used in the Direct Debit mandate
  companyName: string;
  companyAddress: string;

  // The following options are used to prefill the Direct Debit form
  customerName?: string;
  customerEmail?: string;
  customerAddressLine1?: string;
  customerAddressLine2?: string;
  customerCity?: string;
  customerPostalCode?: string;
  iban?: string;

  // Label of the submit button
  submitButtonLabels?: {
    // Label of the submit button in the form
    form?: string;

    // Label of the submit button in the mandate
    mandate: string;


type ApplePayOptions = {
    | 'plain'
    | 'buy'
    | 'set-up'
    | 'donate'
    | 'check-out'
    | 'book'
    | 'subscribe';
  buttonStyle?: 'white' | 'white-outline' | 'black';


    buttonType?: "long" | "short";
    buttonColor?: "default" | "black" | "white";


The checkout provides setter methods which can be called to update options after initialization.

const checkout = await primer.checkout(checkoutOptions);


Manual Form Submission

The checkout provides a method for manually calling submit. This is useful when using your own custom submit button.

const checkout = await primer.checkout(checkoutOptions);

const handleMySubmitButtonClick = () => {
  // Forward all submit button clicks to the SDK


interface CheckoutStyle {
  fontFaces?: Array<FontFace>; // Injected into hosted fields
  stylesheets?: Array<Stylesheet>; // Injected into hosted fields

  loadingScreen?: {
    // Color of the loading screen indicator
    color?: string;

  // Style of the inputs
  input?: {
    // Base style
    base?: InputStyle & {
      hover?: InputStyle; // :hover
      focus?: InputStyle; // :focus
      placeholder?: InputStyle; //  ::placeholder
      webkitAutofill?: InputStyle; // :-webkit-autofill
      selection?: InputStyle; // ::selection

    // Error
    error?: InputStyle & {
      hover?: InputStyle;
      focus?: InputStyle;
      placeholder?: InputStyle;
      webkitAutofill?: InputStyle;
      selection?: InputStyle;

  // Style of the label displayed above the input fields
  inputLabel?: TextStyle;

  // Style of the error messages displayed below the input fields
  inputErrorText?: TextStyle & TextAlignmentStyle;

  formSpacings?: {
    // Vertical spacing between a label and an input field
    betweenLabelAndInput?: string;

    // Vertical spacing between inputs
    betweenInputs: string;

  showMorePaymentMethodsButton?: {
    base?: TextStyle;
    disabled?: TextStyle;

  // Style APM buttons
  // PayPal, Apple Pay, Google Pay and Klarna can only be styled in height and borderRadius.
  paymentMethodButton: {
    background?: string;
    borderRadius?: number | string;
    boxShadow?: string;
    borderColor?: string;
    height?: number;
    primaryText?: TextStyle;
    logoColor?: logoColor;
    marginTop?: string;

  submitButton?: {
    base?: {
      hover?: TextStyle & BlockStyle;
      focus?: TextStyle & BlockStyle;

    loading?: {
      hover?: TextStyle & BlockStyle;
      focus?: TextStyle & BlockStyle;

  // Small print in direct debit
  smallPrint?: TextStyle;

  directDebit?: {
    mandate?: {
      header?: TextStyle;
      label?: TextStyle;
      content?: TextStyle;
      creditorDetails?: TextStyle:

    success?: {
      icon?: {
        color?: string;

  backButton?: {
    color?: string;

  // Pop-up menu to manage the vaulted payment methods
  vaultMenu?: {
    // Pencil icon
    editButton?: {
      // Backend of the pencil icon
      background?: string;
      // Color of the pencil icon
      color?: string;

    item?: {
      label?: textStyle;
      // Delete & Cancel button
      actionButton?: TextStyle;
      confirmButton?: TextStyle & BlockStyle;


interface FontFace {
  fontFamily?: string;
  src?: string;
  unicodeRange?: string;
  fontVariant?: string;
  fontFeatureSettings?: string;
  fontVariationSettings?: string;
  fontStretch?: string;
  fontWeight?: string;
  fontStyle?: string;

interface Stylesheet {
  href: string;

interface TextStyle {
  color?: string;
    fontFamily?: string;
    fontWeight?: string;
    fontSize?: string;
    fontSmoothing?: string;
    lineHeight?: string;
  textTransform?: string;
  letterSpacing?: string;

interface BlockStyle {
  background?: string;
    borderRadius?: number | string;
    boxShadow?: string;
  borderStyle?: string;
    borderColor?: number | string;
    borderWidth?: number | string;

interface TextAlignmentStyle {
    textAlign?: string;

type IconColor = 'black' | 'white' | 'color';

Input Style

interface InputStyle {
  height?: number;
  paddingHorizontal?: number;

  background?: string;
  borderRadius?: number | string;
  boxShadow?: string;

  borderStyle?: string;
  borderColor?: number | string;
  borderWidth?: number | string;

  color?: string;
  fontFamily?: string;
  fontWeight?: string;
  fontSize?: string;
  fontSmoothing?: string;
  lineHeight?: string;

Success Screen

By default, what happens after onTokenizeSuccess is called (and the Promise is resolved) depends on the payment method that the customer chooses. Some of them such as GoCardless requires us to display a screen that sums up the order to be displayed. Others, such as Card, does not require anything.

However, it is good practice to show a success screen once the payment is validated. You can use the successScreen options to define which of the built-in success screens you want to show, or to disable the default behavior and display a custom success screen.

Note that when the successScreen is undefined, the CHECK success screen will be used by default. Also, when explicitly using { type: 'CHECK' } a custom title can be defined.

enum SuccessScreenType {

export type CheckSuccessScreenOptions = {
  type: SuccessScreenType.CHECK;
  title: Label;

export type PaymentMethodSuccessScreenOptions = {
  type: SuccessScreenType.PAYMENT_METHOD;

type SuccessScreenOptions =
  | /* No success screen will be displayed */ false
  | /* Show the default success screen of the payment method*/ undefined
  // Proposed success screens
  | CheckSuccessScreenOptions
  | PaymentMethodSuccessScreenOptions;

Primer (Advanced usage)

Primer#render(options: PrimerClientRenderOptions): Promise<void>

Securely render a credit card form or alternative payment method buttons.

type PrimerClientRenderOptions

type PrimerClientRenderOptions {
  // Override the locale
  // By default translations will be provided for the browser's locale
  locale?: string;

  // Additional information relating to merchant operating address
  // [required for tax calculation via TaxJar]
  businessDetails?: {
    address: {
      countryCode: string;
      state: string;
      postalCode: string;
      city: string;
      addressLine1: string;
    nexusAddresses: [
        countryCode: string;
        state: string;
        postalCode: string;
        city: string;
        addressLine1: string;

  // Additional information relating to customer
  // [required for tax calculation via TaxJar]
  customerDetails?: {
    customerTaxId: string;
    shippingAddress: {
      countryCode: string;
      state: string;
      postalCode: string;
      city: string;
      addressLine1: string;

  // A success callback, receives the payment method token.
  onTokenizeSuccess: (data: PaymentMethodToken) => void;

  // A callback for when tokenization begins
  onTokenizeStart?: () => void;

  // A callback for when there is a tokenization error
  onTokenizeError?: (message: string) => void;

  // A callback for when tokenization ends
  onTokenizeEnd?: () => void;

  // A callback for when changes have been made to the totalAmount provided to the checkout
  onAmountChange?: (data: AmountChange) => void;

  // A callback for when changes totalAmount is being updated
  onAmountChanging?: (isChanging: boolean) => void;

  // A callback for when an error occured while updating the totalAmount
  onAmountChangeError?: (message: PrimerError) => void;

  // A callback for receiving actions which can be used to update the client session
  onClientSessionActions?: (data: ClientSessionActionData) => Promise<{ clientToken: string } | false>;

  // Configuration for a credit card form
  card?: {
    // The name of the cardholder
    // If a function is set, the function will be called when calling the `tokenize` function
    cardholderName?: string | () => string;

    // A callback for form metadata
    onChange?: (state: FormState) => void;

    // A callback for extra card information (brand etc)
    onCardMetadata?: (meta: CardMetadata) => void;

    // Whether or not the form is disabled - this will prevent tokenization if it returns true
    disabled?: () => boolean;

    // A stylesheet to inject into each input element
    // For more information see the guide on styling
    css?: string;

    // A DOM selector for a button which will begin the tokenization
    submitButton: string;

    // Credit card field configuration
    fields: {
      // Card number field configuration
      cardNumber: CreditCardFieldConfig;
      // Expiry Date field configuration
      expiryDate: CreditCardFieldConfig;
      // CVV field configuration
      cvv: CreditCardFieldConfig;

  // Configuration for alternative payment methods
  // The container property should be a DOM selector for a visible element n the page.
  applePay?: { container: string; };
  googlePay?: { container: string; };
  paypal?: { container: string; };

type PaymentMethodToken

A tokenized payment method. Use the token property to authorize transactions. The token object also contains some other metadata describing the payment method which it represents.

type PaymentMethodToken {
  // The token used to authorize transactions
  token: string;
  // The type of payment method which this token represents
  paymentMethodType: 'PAYMENT_CARD' | 'GOOGLE_PAY' | 'APPLE_PAY' | 'PAYPAL';
  // Additional data about the payment method
  paymentMethodData: object;

type FormState

Form metadata

type FormState {
  // Whether any field is dirty
  dirty: boolean;
  // Whether any field was been touched
  touched: boolean;
  // Whether any field is active
  active: boolean;
  // Whether all fields are valid
  valid: boolean;
  // Whether the card form was submitted
  submitted: boolean;

type CardMetadata

Additional Card information

type CardMetadata {
  // The card type - 'visa' | 'mastercard' etc
  type?: string;
  // The possible types of the card given the current value
  possibleTypes: string[];

type CreditCardFieldConfig

Configuration for credit card fields

type CreditCardFieldConfig {
  // A DOM selector specifying where to render the input
  container: string;
  // Whether to append or prepend the input to the container element
  placement?: 'append' | 'prepend';
  // A placeholder to display when the input is empty
  placeholder?: string;
  // A callback which receives input metadata
  onChange: (data: { meta: FieldMetadata; }) => void;

type FieldMetadata

Input metadata for a Credit card field

type FieldMetadata {
  // A validation error
  error?: string;
  // Whether or not the input contains valid information
  valid: boolean;
  // Whether or not the input is focussed
  active: boolean;
  // Whether or not the input's value has been changed
  dirty: boolean;
  // Whether or not the customer has focussed the field
  touched: boolean;
  // Whether or not the form has been submitted
  submitted: boolean;

Primer#threeDSecure: ThreeDSecure

Primer 3DS verification API

ThreeDSecure#verify(options: ThreeDSecureVerifyOptions): Promise<ThreeDSecureVerification>

Perform a 3DS verification on a payment method token

type ThreeDSecureVerifyOptions

Options provided to 3DS verification

type ThreeDSecureVerifyOptions {
  // A Payment method token to perform 3DS verification for
  token: string;

  // An element selector for the parent of the 3DS challenge UI
  container: string;

  // A callback for when the 3DS challenge starts
  onChallengeStart?: () => void;

  // A callback for when the 3DS challenge ends
  onChallengeEnd?: () => void;

  // 3DS order details
  order: {
    // Your order ID
    orderId: string;

    amount: {
      // The sale amount
      value: number | string;
      // The alpha3 currency code of the sale
      currency: string;

    // The customer's email address
    email: string;

    billingAddress: {
      // Billing first name
      firstName: string;
      // Billing last name
      lastName: string;
      // Street address
      addressLine1: string;
      // Extended street address
      addressLine2?: string
      // Extended street address
      addressLine3?: string
      // City or town
      city: string;
      // State, region or province
      state?: string;
      // The alpha2 country code of the address
      countryCode: string;
      // The postal or zip code
      postalCode: string;

type ThreeDSecureVerification

The result of a 3DS verification. If successful, a new token will be returned.

  // The result status of the verification
  // Optional error if something unexpected happened
  error?: Error;
  // Data object containing the new token
  data?: PaymentMethodToken;