
A template with pre-configured routing for React Native projects created with the PX Blue CLI.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import pxblueReactNativeTemplateRoutingTypescript from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@pxblue/react-native-template-routing-typescript';


Routing Template (TypeScript)

npm (scoped)

This is an official PX Blue template used internally by the PX Blue CLI.

This template includes the installation and initial setup of routing using React Navigation. It includes several placeholder routes/screens and a Drawer navigator from the PX Blue React Native Component Library.


This template can be used with the PX Blue CLI:

npx -p @pxblue/cli pxb new react-native --name=myapp --cli=rnc --language=ts --template=routing

Project Structure

Projects created using this template will start out with the following file structure:

|── /ios                              // ios project folder
|── /android                          // android project folder
|── /assets                           // fonts and images used by the application
|── App.tsx                           // app entry point
|── /pages                            // sample application pages
└── /router                             
    |── index.tsx                     // sets up routing
    └── navigation-drawer.tsx         // sets up Drawer