
Base configurations for assorted HighCharts graph types for PX Blue.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import pxblueVisualizations from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@pxblue/visualizations';



This package contains basic configuration settings for HighCharts line, pie, bar, and donut graphs for use with PX Blue.


Install with npm

npm install --save @pxblue/visualizations

or yarn

yarn add @pxblue/visualizations

Basic Usage

The fastest way to use these configurations is to load one (or more) of the sample graphs.

import { 
} from '@pxblue/visualizations/highcharts/samples'; 

and then use them as placeholders in your application.

For Angular:

import { Chart } from 'angular-highcharts';
let lineChart = new Chart(lineSample);

For React:

import ReactHighcharts from 'react-highcharts';
<ReactHighcharts config={lineSample}/>

Advanced Usage

When you are ready to build charts of your own, you can choose to extend one of the sample charts, or you can start from one of the base configurations. If you use the base configurations, your graphs will not draw (and your app may not even render) until you have supplied all of the requisite configuration information. Typically this means specifying a data source and configurations for the x and y axis.

In order to extend the basic configuration objects, you will need to make a clone of the object and then you will be able to directly manipulate the various properties. We recommend you use lodash.clonedeep to simplify this process. If you do not properly deep clone the object, you may end up with shared references and changes being applied in certain places you do not intend.

import { pieBaseConfig } from '@pxblue/visualizations/highcharts';
import clonedeep from 'lodash.clonedeep';
let myPieConfig = clonedeep(pieBaseConfig);
myPie.series = [{
    name: 'Browsers',
    data: [
        { name: 'Chrome', y: 61.41 }, 
        { name: 'Internet Explorer', y: 11.84 }, 
        { name: 'Firefox', y: 10.85 }

Please refer to the Highcharts API for more information about all of the properties that you can specify as part of your chart configuration.

Additional Utilities

This package also includes several utility functions and style variables to make it easier for users to customize certain parts of the chart configuration. Specific documentation for these functions/variables can be found in the source files.

import {
} from '@pxblue/visualizations/styles';

import {
} from '@pxblue/visualizations/utilities';