
Smart configuration control

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import pyramidConfigure from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@pyramid/configure';



Master Build

Smart configuration control


npm i @pyramid/configure

Basic Usage

This package by default read the config folder in your working directory:

  • config
    • app.json
    • database.json
    • language.json
const config = require("@pyramid/configure");

If folder config does not exist, file config.json will be checked instead.

  • config.json
  "app": {
    "name": "MY APP"
const config = require("@pyramid/configure");

You can override the config file path with an environment variable:

// read a folder
// read a file
// with absolute path

If you specified a single file, the config object will be the file itself rather than a nested object with the filename as its key(like folder reading does).


  "app": {
    "name": "myapp"
process.env.CONFIG_FILE = src / config.json;
const config = require("@pyramid/configure");

It won't be loaded again once done. To reload configs, you need to call:

// delete cached config
// reload
config = require("@pyramid/configure");

Env File

By default, This package read a .env file in your working directory and get environment variables from this file.


You may override this behaviour by passing the following environment variable:

const config = require('@pyramid/configure');

You may optionally set ENV_INJECT to inject env file variables into process.env.

Existing environment variables won't be overrided.

NODE_ENV=development npm start
# NODE_ENV won't be set because it already exists

Smart Config File

A bunch of keywords can be used in config files

  "name": {
    "$env": "APP_NAME"
  "database": {
    "port": {
      "$env": ["DB_PORT", 3306]
    "host": {
      "$env": ["DB_HOST", "localhost"]
    "username": {
      "$env": "DB_USER"
    "password": {
      "$env": ["DB_PASS", { "$env": "DB_USER" }]

The $env object reads environment varaibles with an optional fallback value. With the following env set:


The loaded config will be

  "name": "myapp",
  "database": {
    "port": 3306,
    "host": "",
    "username": "admin",
    "password": "admin"

Here is a list of available keywords:


Get value from environment variables(first try env file, then process.env) with an optional fallback value

  • params: string|[string, any]
  • returns any


Resolve the path to absolute from current working directory

  • params: string
  • returns string


Resolve the path and read the file with an optional encoding

  • params: string|[string, string]
  • returns string|Buffer


Parse the given string into object

  • params: string
  • returns any


Parse the given string into a number

  • params: string
  • returns number


Concat strings or arrays

  • params: string[]|[][]
  • returns string|any[]


Return the max number in the array

  • params: number[]
  • returns number


Return the min number in the array

  • params: number[]
  • returns number


Sum the numbers in the array

  • params: number[]
  • returns number


Return the average value of the array

  • params: number[]
  • returns number


Return the first element in the array

  • params: any[]
  • returns any


Return the last element in the array

  • params: any[]
  • returns any


Return element in the array at the given index

  • params: [any[], number]
  • returns any


Sort the numbers in ascending order

  • params: number[]
  • returns number[]


Sort the numbers in descending order

  • params: number[]
  • returns number[]


Return an element at random index

  • params: any[]
  • returns any


Return the given amount of elements at random indices

  • params: [any[], number]
  • returns any[]


Reverse an array

  • params: any[]
  • returns any[]


Slice an array from the given index to an optional end index

  • params: [any[], number]|[any[], number, number]
  • returns any[]


Return the length of an array

  • params: any[]
  • returns number


Return the merge of two objects

  • params: [any, any]
  • returns any


Return the keys of an object

  • params: any
  • returns string[]


Return the values of an object

  • params: any
  • returns any[]


Merge a series of key-value pairs into an object

  • params: [any, any][]
  • returns any


Split an object into key-value pairs

  • params: any
  • returns [any, any][]


Return the second or third element based on the boolean value of the first element

  • params: [boolean, any, any]
  • returns any


Return true only if both two elements' boolean values are true

  • params: [boolean, boolean]
  • returns boolean


Return true if any of the two elements' boolean value is true

  • params: [boolean, boolean]
  • returns boolean


Return true only if the given value is false

  • params: boolean
  • returns boolean


Return true if the given value is true or 'true'(case insensitive) or 1 or '1'

  • params: boolean|string
  • returns boolean


Return true if the given value is null or undefined

  • params: any
  • returns boolean


Return true only if the given value is undefined

  • params: any
  • returns boolean


Return true only if the given value is of the given type

  • params: [any, string]
  • returns boolean


Return boolean test result(!!) of the given value

  • params: [any, string]
  • returns boolean

Other Keywords


$abs, $add(+), $sub(-), $mul(*), $div(/), $mod(%), $ceil, $floor, $round, $trunc, $sign


$gt(>), $gte(>=), $lt(<), $lte(<=), $eq(===), $eqv(==), $ne(!==), $nev(!=), $in, $ni

String Morph

$upper, $lower, $snake, $pascal, $camel, $dash, $plural, $singular


A utils is attached to each config instance. You can acces it by the getter __:

// make a deep cloned copy
const copy = config.__.clone(obj);

// merge target object's copy into source object's copy deeply
const merged = config.__.merge(source, target);

// load environment variables, optionally inject them into process.env
const envs = config.__.env("./.env", true);

// parse config by json string
let conf = config.__.resolve(
  JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync("./config.json", "utf8"))

// load config by path(absolute or relative to working directory)
conf = config.__.load("./config.json");

// delete config referenced cache(the next time you reference this module, config file will be reloaded)

You can also use utils without the config instance:

const utils = require("@pyramid/configure/utils");
// NOTE: utils.desolve will be undefined


To integrate into webpack, there is a built-in plugin:

const ConfigurePlugin = require("@pyramid/configure/utils/webpack");


plugins: [
  new ConfigurePlugin({
    filename: path.resolve(__dirname, "path/to/config.json")

And import that config in your modules:


import * as config from "./path/to/config.json";

You may add a resolve alias to shorten the import:


resolve: {
    alias: {
        config: path.resolve(__dirname, 'path/to/config.json')


import * as config from "config";


By default the json config is loaded as string. It's also compatible with file-loader. If conflicts occur, you may need to bypass the specific loader(s) with include/exclude filters. e.g.

    test: /\.json$/,
    exclude: /\/config\.json$/,
    use: 'some-loader'


npm test


See License