
CLI for crawling & analysing repositories

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import qiwiRepocrawlerCli from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@qiwi/repocrawler-cli';



CLI for crawling and making reports



yarn add @qiwi/repocrawler-cli
crawler --vcs gerrit --url http://gerrit.com/a --auth.username username --auth.password password --org common --org internal --path package.json

or via npx

npx -p @qiwi/repocrawler-cli crawler --vcs gerrit --url http://gerrit.com/a --auth.username username --auth.password password --org common --path package.json --path .npmrc

You can also use config file:

crawler --config config.json

config.json (you can specify several crawlers):

  "org": [
  "crawlers": [
      "vcs": "gerrit",
      "auth": {
        "username": "username",
        "password": "password"
      "url": "https://gerrit.com/a"
      "vcs": "github",
      "auth": "1234567890123456789012345678901234567890",
      "url": "https://github.com/api/v3"

or use config file with overriding:

# override "org" field
crawler --config config.json --org internal

# replace "crawlers" with other one
crawler --config config.json --vcs gerrit --url https://other-gerrit.com/a --auth.username foo --auth.pasword password


Flag Description Default
vcs gerrit or github mandatory
auth Github API auth token (PAT) if vcs === github mandatory if vcs === github
auth.username, auth.password Gerrit API credentials if vcs === gerrit mandatory if vcs === gerrit
path list of file paths to fetch fetch data for @qiwi/repocrawler-reporters
org list of organizations/spaces to fetch all organizations/spaces
url VCS API url mandatory
out path to save results for crawling node_modules/.cache/@qiwi%2Frepocrawler-cli
config path to config file optional
limit-count max count of requests to VCS API per period 10
limit-period length of limit period in ms 2000
pool-size number of workers for every operation 2

vcs, auth, auth.username, auth.password, url should be specified in objects of crawlers array field of config file, see example in Usage. Other flags can be given in config as top-level values. Kebab-case options should be written in camelCase in the config.



yarn add @qiwi/repocrawler-cli
reporter --report tree --cwd temp --package ^typescript$ --deps dev --source package > temp-qiwi-forks-ts-report.json 

or via npx

npx -p @qiwi/repocrawler-cli repoter --report tree --cwd temp --package ^typescript$ --deps dev --source package > temp-qiwi-forks-ts-report.json 


Name Description Default
cwd Path to directory with results of crawling node_modules/.cache/@qiwi%2Frepocrawler-cli
package Regexp for dependency name mandatory
source Where to look for dependencies auto, package, lockfile. auto - lock-files will be analyzed or package.json in case of absence mandatory
deps Type of dependencies, one of all, dev, peer, optional mandatory if source === package
range Semver version-range mandatory if report === usage or versions
report Report type, one of tree, usage, versions mandatory
sort.field Field to sort by, one of name, ratio, usageCount, minVersion, maxVersion, version, project, package, commitDate optional
sort.order Order of sorting, one of asc, desc
### Report types
#### Tree report
This report type shows for every package satisfying given package pattern:
  • list of repositories which use given package;
  • the used min and max versions;
  • usage count;
  • ratio as usageCount/totalProjectsCount.

totalProjectsCount is a number of repositories with package.json.

reporter --report tree --cwd temp --package ^@types --deps dev --source package > temp-qiwi-forks-types-tree-report.json


  "packageNamePattern": "^@types",
  "depType": "dev",
  "source": "package",
  "data": [
      "name": "@types/node",
      "usageCount": 3,
      "ratio": 0.4286,
      "repos": [
          "vcs": "github",
          "repo": "github-qiwi-forks-esm"
          "vcs": "github",
          "repo": "github-qiwi-forks-npm-run-all"
          "vcs": "github",
          "repo": "github-qiwi-forks-npm-types"
      "minVersion": "14.0.24",
      "maxVersion": "15.0.2"
  "totalProjectsCount": 7

Usage report

This report shows for every package satisfying given package pattern:

  • name of npm-project using given package;
  • the used version of the package;
  • info about the latest commit in the project.
reporter --report usage --cwd temp-qiwi-forks --package ^typescript$ --range ">=4.1.0" --deps dev --source package > temp-qiwi-forks-ts-usage-report.json


  "packageNamePattern": "^typescriptquot;,
  "depType": "dev",
  "source": "package",
  "versionRange": ">=4.1.0",
  "data": [
      "project": "@qiwi/dts-bundle",
      "package": "typescript",
      "versions": [
      "commitInfo": {
        "hash": "d382c33590a02356ba116ce63f5e79a1ffd85795",
        "message": "chore(release): 0.7.5 [skip ci]\n\n## [0.7.5](https://github.com/qiwi-forks/dts-bundle/compare/v0.7.4...v0.7.5) (2021-03-16)\n\n### Bug Fixes\n\n* **pkg:** up deps, fix vuls ([e230e70](https://github.com/qiwi-forks/dts-bundle/commit/e230e70cc836338a628683f0e4f15f418b967a1a))",
        "date": "2021-03-16T08:17:13Z"
      "project": "@qiwi/npm-types",
      "package": "typescript",
      "versions": [
      "commitInfo": {
        "hash": "f20f3765f6191133b053743cfdd48db1f92f7997",
        "message": "chore(release): 1.0.3 [skip ci]\n\n## [1.0.3](https://github.com/qiwi-forks/npm-types/compare/v1.0.2...v1.0.3) (2021-07-01)\n\n### Bug Fixes\n\n* add optionalDependencies ([#3](https://github.com/qiwi-forks/npm-types/issues/3)) ([97fa744](https://github.com/qiwi-forks/npm-types/commit/97fa74483715557c320f6987c4eaeb090918af04))\n\n### Performance Improvements\n\n* update deps ([#4](https://github.com/qiwi-forks/npm-types/issues/4)) ([5d0c0f5](https://github.com/qiwi-forks/npm-types/commit/5d0c0f5243bd6c0af6e62685eb0a1cc30bf8bb53))",
        "date": "2021-07-01T16:47:02Z"

Versions report

The same as usage report, but contains used versions only

reporter --report versions --cwd temp-qiwi-forks --package ^typescript$ --range ">=4.1.0" --deps dev --source package > temp-qiwi-forks-ts-versions-report.json


    "packageNamePattern": "^typescriptquot;,
    "depType": "dev",
    "source": "package",
    "versionRange": ">=4.1.0",
    "data": [