
Simple RDF viewer with buttons for switching between serializations

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import rdfjsElementsRdfSnippet from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@rdfjs-elements/rdf-snippet';



An RDF viewer which allows switching between various serializations.

Default usage

The initial text of the RDF snippet must be added inside a child <script> element with type attribute set to the appropriate RDF media type. The element's formats property selects the media types which should be available as alternative serializations.

<rdf-snippet formats="application/ld+json,application/n-quads">
   <script type="text/turtle">
@base <http://example.com/> .
@prefix schema: <http://schema.org/> .

<john> a schema:Person ;
   schema:name "John Doe" .

The initial RDF representation remains unchanged, while selecting the output formats re-serializes the actual triples and presents the output.

Usage with properties

In case when a <script> cannot be used, the snippet can be initialized by passing the serialized input and input format using properties/attributes

<rdf-snippet .input="${turtle}" input-format="text/turtle">

Supported types

Out of the box all common RDF formats are supported, where some can only be used for the input (no serializer available):

  • N-Triples
  • N-Quads
  • Turtle/N3
  • TriG (input only)
  • RDF/XML (input only)

Support for additional types can be added by registering an RDF/JS-compliant parser and/or serializer using the @rdf-esm/formats-common package:

import { parsers, serializers } from '@rdf-esm/formats-common'

// by importing dynamically, the code will only be loaded when needed
parsers.set('application/trix', async () => {
   const TrixParser = await import('@hypothetical/trix-parser')
   return new TrixParser()

serializers.set('application/trix', async () => {
   const TrixSerializer = await import('@hypothetical/trix-serializer')
   return new TrixSerializer()


Property Attribute Modifiers Type Default Description
customPrefixes customPrefixes object {}
formats formats string comma-separated list of output formats
input string set the input serialized value (ignored when <script> is used)
inputFormat input-format string "text/turtle" set the format of the input (ignored when <script> is used)
layout layout "vertical"\|"horizontal" controls the position of selection buttons
onlyOutput only-output boolean hides the input editor and only shows the outputs
prefixes prefixes string "" a comma-separated list of prefixes to use for serializing. Always includes rdf, rdfs and xsd Any prefix included in the @zazuko/rdf-vocabularies package can be used
selectedFormat string gets the selected output format
value readonly string Gets the text contents of the currently showing editor


Event Type
value-changed CustomEvent<{ value: string; }>

CSS Shadow Parts

Part Description
format every format selection button
input selection button for the input format
output selection button for the output formats
selected the currently selected format button